View Full Version : Buzzing in big toe!!

03-12-10, 19:23
My toe is buzzing! I get over one neuro-symptom only for it to be replaced by another! Has anyone had this?? It's very distracting and really gets me worried about neuro diseases.......

paula lynne
03-12-10, 19:46
Try massaging it, or having a warm bath , then elevate it. x

03-12-10, 19:56
Yep that's my big toe on the left... sometimes get it in the bottom of my foot too.

Annoying but it's nothing. Can be caused by the way you sit especially if like me your posture is bad on the pc but mainly its kust one of those silly little things that our body does and I won't post the long reply about why these things apparently happen to us as I just put similar on the thread called 'Whats this - now heart' thread by Dodo if you want to read what I said.

03-12-10, 20:26
I got that at the bottom of my heal for about 6 months...very very annoying. I slept with a cold waterbottle under my heal - it kinda alleviated the weird feeling. I was told it was 'damaged nerves' and would eventually heal on it's own. It did but not after about 6 months (as stated earlier)

03-12-10, 21:08
it's normal :), it's just buzzing in your toe , I know it feels kinda weird.
it could be the cold, or just random buzzing lol.
how long has it been buzzing fore?

03-12-10, 22:23
Mishel....I've had it on and off for a few days, at first it was only when I was sittng in an odd position...For the past day it's been constant......

I'm reassured to see others have the same thing. Has it ever led you to worry about something neurological? The only thing that is keeping me calm now is that I saw a neuro last week and he flat out said I didn't have MS (based on the neuro exam).....If this has started 2-3 weeks ago I would have gone into full freak out mode!!

paula lynne
03-12-10, 23:07
Anxiety often involves our peripherals...ie...fingers and toes x

03-12-10, 23:38
well I often get it in my toe in my bed, i get it in my arms too it can last a day or so for me.
I'm not sure what causes it, I also been getting a twitch in a my little toe now and again for years.
glad your not so worried about it, yeah most of here have worried about MS etc..
if you search the forums for buzzing, you should find a lot of posts on the topic as it is very common.
could be circulation if you get it sitting in an odd position, i often get numb buzzing legs very fast if i sit with my legs crossed.

03-12-10, 23:52
Shazandra... hope you don't mind me asking and I don;t want to take the topic of the original question... but when you saw the neuro what things did he do in your neuro examination. Was it scans or just phsical sensory tests etc.

Only asking as a doctor at our hospotal said theough my doc would have referred me to a neurologist regarding my face/arm/leg 'oddity' (always left side) and they even wrote to him suggesting that... but he flatly refuses as he says there is no need. I'm sure after reading the book I mentioned about nerves n the other thread though that he is probably right

But just wondered out of interest wether your neuro just did the same 'feeling' / 'movement' tests as the docs usually do or wether it was more indepth. Thanks

04-12-10, 00:41
Well it was a physical exam that lasted about 20 minutes. He checked all my reflexes, how I walked on my toes n heels, a few eye tests, looked into my eyes for a couple of minutes, balance test and coordination tests (standing with my eyes closed), strength tests and finally skin prick tests. It wad quite thorough. He didn't even suggest an MRI. Thats about it! Still worried a bit, odd skin sensations have been my main issue over the past few months....

04-12-10, 01:49
if the only symptom is a buzzing toe lol then your ok, I know it's hard not to worry but if it's not affecting your day to day life physically then your all good.

04-12-10, 02:06
Oh I've had so many other weird symptoms that come and go but this one is a new one!! This is what I've had in the past; eye n chin twitch, hot water bottle feeling on thigh n foot (this was my first symptom and this what lead me to have HA, I googled and MS came up), fatigue, shakiness, tingling pinky and now this!!! When one symptom disappears a new one takes it's place.....it's awful, just awful!!

Going home
04-12-10, 02:14
Shaz if you google neuro symptoms it always comes up with MS and vice-versa. I suffer with HA too but have never thought I had MS because my brother has this and I'm in no way symptom-wise the same as he is...even with all its diversities. The symptoms you talk about don't really relate to MS but they do sound like tension. People talk about anxiety but often its forgotten that it also includes muscle tension which can play havoc with any part of our body that has a muscle...which is just about every part really!

Anna xx

04-12-10, 02:32
Goinghome, thanks for your reply. I suppose a lot oft symptoms could be due to tension (I am tense Solomon the time, my neck and shoulders always hurt) plus I do have bad posture. My rational side believes my issues are benign (especially after my neuro visit) but my HA side manages to convince me otherwise... It's a battle! I'm sorry to hear about your brother, I hope he is coping well. I really hope they find a cure one day...

04-12-10, 02:34
Oops, sorry about the typos, I'm on my iPhone and it randomly replaces words with others!!!

Going home
04-12-10, 02:41
That's ok Shaz, and as for my brother he's better at managing his condition than I am about it for him! At least I can rule out one illness for my HA tormented mind because ive seen it up close and personal. But I know only too well the anxiety about these illnesses, and i think the very nature of MS means that we can easily think we have it because it has so many symptoms we can relate to. I'm deffo not knocking you for that, just trying to reassure you that i'm convinced you don't have a neuro illness...now you have only to convince yourself :)

Anna xx

05-12-10, 00:19
Hey Anna...Thanks for the reassurance....You're right, convincing myself that I'm well is the hardest thing...I have good days and bad ones, just depends on my day and state of mind.....I wasn't like this before. It's as if a switch has gone on in my mind and I just can't seem to turn it off or go back to having normal thoughts..I guess that I hafta accept that I'll be prone to health anxiety for life and that I need to find coping mechanisms...

27-01-15, 17:48

I have exactly the same thing. I have had it for 2-3 months on and off. I believe its Vastroconstriction and is a vein trying to force blood through a tiny gap of some kind

Please let me know your thoughts

I'm worried it may be permanent

28-01-15, 04:39
I found this - it looks like it may be a slipped disc in your back and the nerve ending is at the end of your foot

I can't paste links so please copy and patse this into Google:


That should find the same page

I may wait 6 months (as the person earlier said) to save the hassle of going to GP and physio etc (save NHS time/money too)

Please let me know your thought - it's also really nice to hear there are so many people with exactly the same symptoms and it seems very benign therefore not a "panic" and that's what this sites all about! :D

31-01-15, 11:59
I went to the docs and he said it was a trapped nerve and is common

Intake multivitamins, they contain 600% RDA of vitamin b12.

I am having a blood test on thu so I'll see if I can mention it then

Thanks all!