View Full Version : hi all xx

03-12-10, 20:29
hi all
ive had panic attacks and anxiety since i lost my mum in 05,
i suppose i no where they stem from but just cant seem to get to grips with
it :weep:,
i am on meds for my panic attacks and anxiet cipralex 20mgs,
i also have ibs which im finding quite hard at the moment, it wasnt too bad, and i had my gallbladder removed in april and everythin went great, and ive just got over a tummy bug which seems to ave made my ibs flare up to the point were i felt like my insides were been split is that coz things are different with no gallbladder? i wish i knew,
plus my son who is 13 we ave just been told he has ibs too which
makes me feel so guilty as he obviously gets it from me,
i am at a loose end at the moment any advice would be
real helpful
thank you all for reading xx

03-12-10, 20:30
Hi kadiesxmumx

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
03-12-10, 21:01
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

03-12-10, 21:08
hi and :welcome: to nmp

03-12-10, 21:37
thanks all for the warm welcome xx

paula lynne
03-12-10, 21:43
Hiya, welcome aboard, its nice to know you x:welcome:

Hazel B
03-12-10, 21:52

Hi, I am due to have my gallbladder removed at the end of the year. I haven't had the pre-op assessment yet but my consultant did tell me that there is a very small chance that I could have tummy issues like diarreah (can't spell it!) afterwards. This is due to bile constantly dripping into your stomach from the liver rather than being stored in the gallbladder and then released when you eat. There are tablets that can help if you see your doctor. Also, if it's IBS and not related to your gallbladder, there's also a lot that can be done to help that, like Mebeverine tablets & relaxation advice.

Grief is awful and can affect you for many years after losing someone, I've just had counselling to help a beravement from 3 years ago, so it may be that as well upsetting your body.

Take care.

P.S. Glad your op went well, it makes me hopeful for mine!

04-12-10, 08:44
thanks hazel b
its just so frustratin not knowing i suppose things will be different
when you dont have a gallbladder my tummy feels much better today so
im guessin yeh it makes a difference,
good luck with your op hope all goes well xxx

04-12-10, 12:43
Hi Hazel B
this is just to let you know that I had my gall bladder removed 4 weeks ago so if you have any questions relating to your op, please just ask. Unfortunately, with the NHS these days, you don't seem to get a lot of after care and I got most of my information from the internet. I haven't had any difference in bowel movements (no diarrhoea). Best of luck, T x

Hazel B
04-12-10, 12:48
Thanks KM & Tish.

My pre-op assessment is on 16th Dec. I may not be well enough to go to my usual New Year party but at least the awful pain will have gone, it's stopping me sleeping now.

I'll PM you guys if I have any questions, thanks.:hugs: