View Full Version : help! overbreathing,wheezy

april tones
20-03-06, 09:36
help!as you know i have been having etopics like some of you on here too. i have had a wheeziness for few yrs and i can hear something between chest and sternum when i lie down flat. i feel short of breath at night and overbreathe., this does trigger a palp sometimes. im wondering if its allergies?
i am a little worried as im due on so hormones are all over place which makes me feel the worse. i just worry what if these palps,breathlessnes are a sighn of early heart failure? so scared! i have a little boy and feel scared somethings wrong! xx
i do have asthma but my peak flow is super doctor said x


20-03-06, 09:45
hi april
i am with you on this one lol

i have eptopic heart beats all the time day and night they scare me so much i woke up with them this morning !
i to feel wheeziness and short of breath i feel like i carnt take a full breath in .
i have rang the british heart foundation to get some advice and they told me i would know if i had a real bad prob with my heart i would pass out or lots of other bad things but i dont .dont think to much in to it all try and just get on with trhe day see how you feel after a couple of hours then if you are just the same give your doc a ring to put your mind at rest
jodie xx

20-03-06, 09:50
Hi April,

I get most of the symptoms you mention and more! I get asthma too but my peak flow is always brilliant as was my lung spirometry test not that long ago.
I get palps sometimes and they are often worse when my period is due. I suffer from hyperventilation (overbreathing) too and am seeing a therapist for that but this can get worse before my period too.
I also get wheezy but in my case the wheezing noise is in my throat not between chest and sternum. My doc doesn't know what the wheezy throat is but said it could be from allergies or post nasal drip (I have lots of allergies), from anxiety or hyperventilation. I saw an ENT (ear, nose and throat) consultant and he couldn't see anything wrong in my throat either.

I do know how scary this feels and it feels even more scary when our hormones are all over the place.

Have you discussed all this with your doctor? I know it's scary when symptoms make us worry about our hearts but it can all be anxiety. It may be worth discussing it all with your doctor if you haven't already. If you doctor says you're ok then the hard bit is believing it, I do understand how hard that is.

Take care,

Lisa x

april tones
20-03-06, 10:19
I do have hayfever and have wondered at allergies. im intolerent to wheat as i bloat up reall bad and look 6 months pregnant.
i went ages ago about 2/3 yrs about wheezing and doc didnt listen just upped my meds, im reducing of my low dose steriod now!pulmicort
it is a relief to not be only one if you know what i mean.
its good reassuring news that heart foundation said that.
love april xxx


20-03-06, 10:30
Hi April,

Some docs are better than others, if you go saying you are wheezy/breathless and have asthma they just up the asthma medication.
Thankfully my docs listens to my chest and has said it's not asthma but hyperventilation. She did lung spirometry test to be sure. I also have an annual asthma review with the asthma nurse, which is due next week.
If your symptoms have changed fro the last time you mentioned it 2/3 years ago it may be worth having a check up to put your mind at rest, but make sure they listen and see if the wheezing is actually coming from the chest.

Take care,

Lisa x

20-03-06, 13:28
april have you ever had these symptoms checked. if you have it would have picked up any thing serious.

i do believe that overbreathing definitely causes palpitations, chest pain and much more, and all the symptoms you have mentioned have been felt by us alot of the time. it is anxiety and fear april made worse by the fact that you are afraid to leave your son, a fear i totally understand.

it all sounds very like anxiety but if you want peace of mind go to your gp. and remember the weezieness you mention he would pick up on right away so if it is something he will telll yuo immediately. other than that i would content myself that you are not alone in either the symptoms you feel or the fear of them

if i can help in any way let me know

april tones
20-03-06, 14:32
hi! thanks for replys!
its so horrible as i have had anxiety and depresion on and off for yrs! its like something triggers it in flares!
i do have fibro so i know that contributes to it!
i am buying my own set of bach remedies to do myself as was advised by therapist its cheaper. they do help xx
