View Full Version : blurred vision, nausea and head aches

03-12-10, 21:02
Hi all, Im hoping that some one can help me out here. I am a long time sufferer of panic and anxiety disorder. Ive lived with this mostly in silence for most of my adult life. My family know I suffer with panic attacks but not to the extent that they have been. Im at the stage now where I very rarely go out and dont invite people round.
I do have other illness's that I suffer with these are strokes angina and TIA's
I have also been diagnosed as having MS - relapse remitting.
Just recently my panic attacks have been coming out of the blue, normally I would suffer when I knew I had to go out or knew some one was coming round that I didnt know very well. I can usually deal with them and they pass quite quickly and once I have had one I tend to be ok.
I have the norm of chest tightening, heart thumping, lightheaded, tingling etc etc but recently these have been coming from no where and now Ive started to get blurred vision and nausea followed by head aches and muscle pain, not the sort associated with my MS, this has lasted from a few hours to a few days with extreme bouts of panic almost to the point I feel like I am going to burst something.
I know its panic and I can usually control this but now I dont seem to be able to. I have to shut myself away and cannot even tolerate people talking or the smell of food and tobacco or in fact any strong smells. I actually feel as if I am losing my mind even though I know I am not.
I cant even bare to wear my hearing aids. I know I am on the verge of being agoraphobic and I dont want this to happen. I used to take citalopram for my panic disorder and I have to say that it worked, but came off them as soon as I felt I was able, that was over a year ago. I do take sleeping tablets to help me sleep as I suffer with severe tinnitus which has also got worse over the last few weeks. Oh I am also going through the menopause which has been for a good few years now. I also suffer with an under active thyroid which I am not taking medication for because of the stroke.
Thank you all for reading I hope some one out there can help me sort this.