View Full Version : Panadol extra and being sick?

03-12-10, 23:34
So for a couple of days I've really bad toothache because my right hand bottom wisdon tooth is coming through, luckily it's the last one to come through but I had problems with the unbareable pain when the other bottom one came through, there's plenty of room but the pain just shoots through my jaw and gum leaving me unable to eat properly, talk properly or generally open my mouth :huh:

I'd been taking normal everyday cheap boots paracetamol but then at work today (I work on check-in at Manchester airport meaning I talk alot) I decided to go to boots and get something better, I was recommended panadol by a friend so headed to get some of that and got panadol extra, checked with the guy when I should take it and stuff. I ate some quavers and grapes before I took the tablets because they were soft and I was starving by this point! Anyway, I took 2 more before I went home then like a brick wall hitting me I felt really sick. Driving home I felt like I was about to pass out, once home I fed the cat and just passed out in bed for a couple of hours. Once I woke up I started being/making myself sick, I only helped myself along because I hate feeling sick. I was sick around 15 times in 4 hours then as quickly as it came it went again. I doubt it was a virus that lasted 6 or so hours surely?
So now I'm thinking was it the panadol? There isn't really anything on google or the packet so I'm abit confused :wacko: Anyone got any ideas?

paula lynne
03-12-10, 23:38
Did you eat anything before hand? They have a strong effect on an empty stomach...x

03-12-10, 23:53
Is this the one with caffeine in it?

03-12-10, 23:55
yes it is.....

Panadol extra tablets and soluble tablets contain two active ingredients, paracetamol and caffeine.

Do you normally have caffeine?

04-12-10, 00:13
I had some quavers and grapes and about half a bottle of fanta just before I took them so they wouldn't be on an empty stomach. Not exactly a 3 course meal but I would have thought it was better than nothing. Also, it only made me feel sick after the second lot I took.
I have caffine on a daily basis usually, either coffee, tea or redbull. I've never had any reactions to anything like this before. I've taken various pain killers over the years because of chronic bad back pain not to mention lemsip cold and flu tablets which also contain caffeine

04-12-10, 00:17
Oh you mentioned those swear words - RED BULL

I do hope you don't suffer with panic and anxiety and drink this stuff. It should be banned and I mean that. The worst ever thing for us sufferers

It could of course be a complete coincidence. Why not just take the "ordinary" paracetamol and not this one?

04-12-10, 00:28
You have just gone cold turkey on your Citalopram .It may have had something to do with it , When I last reduced mine I had some painkillers one morning . I was sick and felt really ill for hours too ,I also felt dizzy ,and weak ,and could hardly do anything .:scared15: sue

04-12-10, 00:35
Ahhh I didn't know about the cold turkey thing! That won't help

04-12-10, 09:00
Well I was wondering whether it was the lack of cit, I did ring the doctor though and she said it shouldn't really have an effect because of its half life etc
I too felt dizzy and weak and of course sick! I managed to eat some toast dipped in to tomato soup last night and I've just had that again now for breakfast because it's all I can stomach at the moment. Not to mention my tooth is still bloody killing me!!! I was trying to look for some neurofen or something but I don't seem to have any, I'm really scared about taking paracetamol again now.

I don't suffer too badly from anxiety so don't have any bad effects to red bull, I only get it now and again, and haven't had it for a while because I was on citalopram.

04-12-10, 09:22
I agree, red bull should be banned. It is really nasty stuff. I won't say any more than that.