View Full Version : Hi, I'm Westy

04-12-10, 02:28
I live in London and I'm keen on Punk and Reggae music. I started getting Panic attacks as a result of surgery which had complications, I'd been attacked some months before in camden town and recieved a broken nose. The surgery which was meant to correct it ended up changing my life as i know it, for they had managed to graze the inside of my throat while taking out the breathing tube, and i woke up finding breathing very difficult and had what i believe to be my first panic. Some hours later, after being given an anti-inflammatory and discharged, I went to a friends house, I was just glad to have some company, and that night I had a very bad attack. I noticed my heart race was incredibly high, something I'd never thought about before, and I was convinced I was going to have a heart attack and die. It didnt help that my throat had nearly closed up from swelling and I got myself into a right state, I was getting rushes and all sorts. My friend called an ambulance and I ended up spending the night in a hospital bed. my heart rate was reaching triple my usual resting heartrate in the ambulance but was down to about double by the time I arrived there.. It was only after 2 more of these hospital trips that I realised I wasnt going to die, and was soon after diagnosed with Panic Disorder. I also found on recovery from my surgery that I have lost a large amount of my vocal range due to the complications, and being the frontman of a punk rock band at the time, I found this soul destroying. Here I am some months later, not much better but coming to terms with it. I'm fortunate enough to have someone who gets what I am going through and gives me a reason to keep going. I'm currently on Atenolol and although they have also given me Diazepam I've so far refused to take it. I'm not a big fan of drooling in my own lap I thought :D. I'm also a motorcyclist, but although I had expected this to become near impossible, I've found driving actually takes my mind off my anxiety and is really quite theraputic. I'm here because the site has helped me on numerous occasions when I've been at home having a panic attack, and I thought it was about time I registered :yesyes:

04-12-10, 02:30
Hi Skin'eadWesty

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Going home
04-12-10, 03:07
Hi Westy and welcome, there's not many of us up and awake at this time and I was just about to sign off meself until tomorrow when i spotted your intro. Youve been through the mill and back again and no mistake ( I won't talk about making a claim against the hospital for what they did to you, but it was a bit iffy wasn't it? and it has obviously changed your life, did you ever seek compensation?) But hey, stay with us and we will try and bring a bit of positivity to you, it might take a bit of time but you'll get there. I'm an oldie now but your music was my music way back when....what goes around comes around as they say :)

Anna xx

04-12-10, 04:23
aw thats awful you got attacked :-( yeah feeling like you can't breath will make you panic all right.
I sometimes look back on the past and think If that didn't happen it wouldn't have set off the chain reaction and left me with anxiety and panic attacks.
man that must be so hard that your voice was affected since music is your passion.
but glad to hear your you have someone to talk to, it helps so much when someone can actually understand.

04-12-10, 04:51
alright bud:welcome:

04-12-10, 07:26
Hi there, omg your story is terrible. Don't let these people win there are lots of things that can help you beat it, it may take a while but you will get there.. keep smiling xx

06-12-10, 02:45
Thanks :]
Glad to know ye all, cheers for reading :P

06-12-10, 08:15
Hi, you'll find loads of support on this site..

06-12-10, 09:59
:welcome:Hey Westy. You've been thru alot, and I can rele sympathise with you. I got panic attacks when i was younger. It all started when I choked on abit of a popcorn kernel and I couldn't breathe had to go to hospital and have a tube inserted via nasal down to my larynx to retrieve the bit of kernel. Afterwards I used to panic about eating and to learn to eat again with the help of a nutritionist. Now I get panic attacks from being depressed but still have the odd time when I eat, when i start to panic.

Its hard to believe that a tiny popcorn kernel caused all my problems when I was younger!

Welcome to the board, keep us posted on how you feel and how your getting on. Remember were all here to support each other :hugs:

Veronica H
08-12-10, 00:14
:welcome:Westy. Glad that you have found us.


paula lynne
08-12-10, 10:29
Hiya Westy, a belated welcome to you x:welcome: