View Full Version : "going away" and anxiety/depression

04-12-10, 11:09
Just when I thought I was well on the mend, knocked for six!! I'd reduced the paroxetine from 60mg down to 5mg over a period of several months (as I was still having bad spells on the max dose) with a plan to switch back to the fluoxetine which I used to take years ago with reasonable success , gardening work was going well, going out cycling every day, was paying to see a counsellor privately and thought I'd hopefully seen the last of my mental health problems which I must have had for some 35 odd years!!..... maybe I was a bit optimistic there.
Anyway, the weather has temporarily knocked my gardening work on the head, the dark nights have messed my cycling regime up. I've always had problems with holidays/staying away from home but try to go along with them for the sake of the family though I find they always cause me bad anxiety/depression and several weeks to recover from! Have now attempted a couple of long weekends away, staying 2 nights in a Travelodge each time, over the last couple of months...... thought I'd try and build up slowly so I could handle longer breaks...... unfortunately, don't think its going to work..... felt myself going really downhill after last weekend away up in the Peak District...... saw the gp yesterday who prescribed the fluoxetine..... even asked me what dose I wanted!!.... think he just leaves it all up to me which doesn't inspire to much confidence! Think I might have to give up on plans to tour Europe on my motorbike or go round Canada/USA.... my head just can't cope with it.
I know I will get better again though when I hit a bad patch,(even though I always have doubts!!) I completely forget the fact that I've had a few good months and think its permanent and that I'm always down and whats the point in it all if I'm always going to be like this.
Anyone else have these "going away" problems?...... hope I'm not the only one!!
Anyway, I'm going to put some warm clothes on and go for an hours hard cycle ride shortly and do a few tasks round the house to keep me busy.
