View Full Version : Heart issues still

04-12-10, 12:55
I don't know how I put this to bed I really don't.

I have had numerous ECGs in my time and an echo and treadmill test not too long ago.

I have had a 24 hour tape (was told it was 24 hour but I don't think it was because I had to record the incidents manually whereas others seem to have had one which has gone 24 hours non stop). I have also had a cardio memo. These last two haven't picked up anything as I was asymptomatic when I had them.

In fact none of the tests say I'm anything but healthy.

The last week or so I have been getting ectopics which seem to have tailed off after my period finished.

I have been having the rush feelings/ falling feelings and feelings like my heart has stopped and I gasp for breath when lying in bed.

Last night I started getting this feeling in my left armpit and in the top of my arm - which I have seen could be signs of a heart problem.

Today I was sat here minding my own business and got this odd warm feeling in the top left of my chest between my armpit and bust.

I just don't know what's going on and I don't know what to do about it. The Drs don't want to do anything more as they are happy with the tests and say there is nothing more they can do anyway.

Can all my symptoms be put down to acid reflux etc or do I have real cause to be concerned?

I am loosing my mind over this and my family as well :(

04-12-10, 13:04
Hello dodo,

Yes, your symptoms can very much be put down to acid reflux and or anxiety hun.

I had the same kind of symptoms as you a few months ago for about a week or two non stop and I was also going through a lot of relationship stress at the time. I was also burping a lot so I had to put it down to reflux, though I was on the verge of going to the doctors as the pain in my left chest/arm and shoulder blade was so intense I was convinced it was cardiac. That warm feeling you describe in your chest really reminds me of my symptoms too and of typical heartburn/reflux symptoms, where the acid rises up the oesophagus causing the warm, burning sensation. Refux is of course brought on/exacerbated by stress/worry/anxiety as well.

I know it is hard to do but please try to be reassured that you have had numerous tests on your heart which are all normal by the sounds of it, and you are not alone with this.

I hope you feel better soon.xxx:hugs:

04-12-10, 13:10
I know, I keep telling myself these tests were normal so why should I worry. But these feelings are very odd and nothing like I've ever felt in my life.

I've suffered with acid before and never felt it in my armpit or arm or left side of chest. My breast also is sore.

When the latest feeling came over me I automatically tuned into my heartbeat as we do, and it didn't feel unusual at all so I just don't know what's going on.

04-12-10, 13:31
It is weird dodo, as that was exactly what happened to me! I have had heartburn/acid reflux on and off for years and my symptoms were always a lump in the throat feeling, burning in the centre of my chest and pain and belching loads, and then I experienced a totally new set of symptoms all focused over my left chest side as I described before. I think that is why I was a bit freaked out and considered cardiac causes, but I couldn't rationalise that as I was belching as I always do with reflux.

Bodies are strange, awkward things sometimes and can just change tack at the drop of a hat.xx

04-12-10, 13:43
They certainly are that. Wish I could get a new one ;)

04-12-10, 13:56
Me too dodo.....that and a new bank balance!!:D

04-12-10, 14:00
Me too girls :) an definitely a new bank balance!! Preferably with lots of in :)

I just wish I could switch off from feeling ever sensation that goes thru my body! I have got my self terrified I'm going to have a heart attack today!! Grrr!! Thing is I'm poorly so I know there's a reason for my aches an pains but I keep flipping back to heart attacks!!!

Maybe one day I'll be normal

Claire xxxx

04-12-10, 17:43
I'm getting quite concerned about thus armpit aching now. It's not there constantly but it's there s lot of today and started last night.

I had loads of bloods not too long back including liver function and inflammation. All if which came back normal.

I'm worried now it might be something to do with my spleen, pancreas or stomach. The big c of course. I'm not going to google any of these things but I'm really worried as I've been so tired as well.

I wish I could turn my mind off sometimes and just be like everyone else.

04-12-10, 19:25
dodo, i totally understand how you feel, try not to worry about it too much hun easier said than done i know but i bet the less you focus on it the less it happens!

I know ive replied to a few of your posts and you have mine but i cant remember if you said you'd tried CBT i have found it has worked wonders for me and i was so bad before i started. I have to say that although its been extreamly hard and i still have the thoughts and the worry of my health anxiety i havent had a panic attack for well over 2 weeks!


05-12-10, 14:45
Well it's still bothering me, the armpit thing. I keep getting waves of it and it makes me feel sick.

I'm so very scared it is actually something to do with my heart.

It makes me feel really unwell for a few minutes. It's just nothing I've ever felt before and no one seems to understand what I mean.

It's a bit like the adrenalin rush feeling but in my armpit.

05-12-10, 14:47
It also seems to be in the same area the dr listens to when he listens to your chest, on the side of your body just up from your breast.

05-12-10, 15:15
Do you feel ill at all? Hot an cold? Just from where your saying maybe it could be a chest infection? Just my oppinion no medical experience!! Just with the weather being the way it is it's very common? Maybe a trip to the drs will put your mind at ease? Xx

05-12-10, 15:18
I do feel very tired but I font have a cough or any chest pain. Just this warm feeling that keeps coming under my left armpit.

I am trying to tell myself it isn't cardiac but instead acid reflux or a pulled muscle but it is really worrying me.

05-12-10, 16:52
Try not to worry honey! I said what I did because I've been suffering with similar symptoms of acid reflux and a gp not my normal one said I had gastritis, I struggled on until I went for a pill review with my normal gp on thursday and I happened to tell I'd had pain above my boobs spreading into my back no cough but was really tired and not quite right but not perticually ill! He checked my chest an it turns out that although I had a little bit of reflux after a sickness bug I actually had a chest infection I'm now being treated with a high dose of amoxicillin! Since I started the antibiotics the cough has come on and pain in my back!

Try not to worry chick have you tired some gaviscon or similar for the acid?
