View Full Version : weird sensation and health fears

04-12-10, 15:53
Hello I wonder if anyone can help reassure me. I have had a strange sensation beneath my left breast towards the middle where my bra strap is. Basically I only notice it with light touches or if my clothes touch it. When nothing touches it I feel nothing. The sensation is weird, when I very lightly touch the area it feels like it is creeping or like something much heavier is touching me. I have no marks and donly feel it with a firm touch. I have seen 4 differnt docs about it and none of them seem concerned or know what it is. To beging with I linked to breast cancer and was referred but all fine there. Then I thought I would be ok, but no. Now I am thinking it is stomach cancer. Last night I went to the loo and it was very very dark which make me think it was blood. Today was the same, although I also had a light Color too. I can feel myself spiralling out of control. I can't eat or sleep because I am so anxious and then lose weight which just confirms my fears. If I could believe that this weird sensation was nothing to worry about I think I would accept it. But all I can focus on us that. Please can anyone help?
Thankyou x

04-12-10, 20:38
Omg... i cant blv sum1 else has this. I thought i was crazy! Yep ive had this, many many times, and i had it constantly for about 5 months (january 2010 til june 2010). No doc could explain what it was. which made me worry even more!! I had to constantly move my bra out of the way or if my top touched it, id start to panic so i used to wear loose tops! I hated it.

It does feel like a creeping sensation, but i always descirbed it more of like a tiny pulling sensation, more of a little pinch or tug that wouldnt go away. I NEVER got it when i didnt have my bra/top on, soo weird.

Can i just ask, have u got heart anxiety????

I didnt think i did, but i must of done, as whenever i rushed myself off to A&E with chest pains and this odd sensation along with palpitations, I was given an all-clear ECG and it would go away for a few days. Then come back.

It wasnt until I learned properly how to control my breathing (u can be hyperventilating and not even know ur doing it) and an all-clear Echocardiogram (heart scan), it completely went away..

I never ever get it now. cant even remember the last time.

Its nuffin to worrya bout, my doc said that it sounds like the chest muscles are tightening up when im anxious, which is causing my nerve endings in that area to be ultra-senstitive, therefore when sumthin touches it it creates a weird sensation.

Either that or its simply just another strange sensation from the dreaded anxiety!!!! lol

xxxxx good luck xxxx

04-12-10, 22:48
Thankyou so so much for replying. I agree that it is a pulling sensation. I also gate wearing tight tops cause they make it worse and feel much more comfy without a bra on! I can still feel it without a bra but only when I touch it myself or if any material I am wearing touches it! 2 of my docs also said they thought it may be a pinched nerve. I don't have heart anxiety, mine is more cancer at the month but I have suffered with anxiety for many years! Thankyou again, it is so good to hear from someone else who knows what I am talking about! XX

05-12-10, 00:51
Yeah i cud only feel it when touched, its the strangest thing! but dont worry, its not cancer or anything, ive had heart scan, three chest xrays, countless ecg's, tonnes of blood tests including a specified cancer blood test, and all normal. and like i said, it went away when my anxiety lessened. u may of pinched ur nerve where ur chest musles are so tense, (which is caused by anxiety and u dont realise ur tense..well i dont lol) and so i think it will pass but it will just take a bit of time to get back to how it was before, nerves are sooo annoying!!

glad i could be of help x

tke cre :) xxx