View Full Version : Hey all

04-12-10, 15:56
Hey everyone.
Found this site a few weeks back and reading around has been a real help for me in trying to get a handle on my problems, and reassuring me that I'm not alone and that I'm not going insane.
I started having regular panic attacks in August this year, seemingly out of nowhere, coincident with a relapse into depression, something which ive suffered with on and off for many years. I had a good couple of years 2007-2009 but since being made redundant I've been unemployed and living with my parents for nearly 18 months in a small town where i'm very socially isolated and starting to feel that i have no prospects of ever getting out.
My anxiiety is making everyday life seem like an enormous uphill struggle, where the hill is made of teflon and my shoe are made of butter. Some days i'm ok, but others going for a walk round the park can leave me feeling like i'm going to die. I recently blew a chance at a temporary job because i had a bad day and just couldn't make teh hour long bus journey. So frustrated with myself. It's a vicious cycle: unemployment->low self esteem->depression->anxiety->unemployment.
I'm trying to remain optomistic that i can get over this, im currently on sertraline (5th antidepressant ive been on) and I'm looking into CBT, which i think would be helpful for me.
I'm having real problems admiting to anyone i'm suffering anxiety/depression for fear of being stigmatised, especialy as a guy there's a real fear of being labeled weak and seen as inferior by other men. I'm not one for silly macho nonsense, and wouldn't look down on anyone for admiting they have problems. I see the double standard there but it doesn't change my aversion to being open about it. I guess posting my story anonamously on a forum is a step in the right direction.:D.

04-12-10, 16:00
Hi wendell

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-12-10, 16:11
hi and :welcome: to nmp

04-12-10, 16:31
I'm having real problems admiting to anyone i'm suffering anxiety/depression for fear of being stigmatised, especialy as a guy there's a real fear of being labeled weak and seen as inferior by other men.

Hi Wendell,

Welcome to NMP. I know what you mean about fear of being seen as weak, I think that delayed me getting help and was a bad thing. I spent too long trying to be strong and unravelling whilst I was putting on a brave face.

Before I became ill, I believed mental illness was something that people should be open about. Since I have been ill, I made the decision to be open about it and overall I have had a really positive caring response. I have also been badly let down by a few.

Surprisingly, some of the best most positive and caring reactions have come from the male friends I least suspected had a sensitive bone in their body!

NMP has been a really helpful place for me, I hope it is for you :D


Vanilla Sky
04-12-10, 20:49
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
04-12-10, 21:48
Hi Wendell, welcome aboard x:welcome:

04-12-10, 21:55
Welcome Windall .. been there done that.. replying to what you wrote in your introduction.. lol .Glad to have you here and you are among friends that can identify with how you feel.Michael