View Full Version : read this if you suffer from dizziness.

04-12-10, 18:33
I'm going to talk about postinal vertigo, this can happen when you stand up, you will get dizzy for a few secounds, can happen when you turn your head, roll over in bed or look up.
I cannot pain a full wall as I get very dizzy and faint from looking up.
it can also cause motion sickness, feeling dizzy from looking at the sea moving, or cars passing by.
now here is why your vision goes weird, when you get dizzy your eye movement will change, your eyes can get a slight jerky moment, I think this is because your brains trying to make sense, because your eyes are not seeing the movement that your ears are telling your brain.
sorry i'm awful at explaining things.
the dizznes is caused by calcium crystals which migraite into a art of your ear where they aren't really supossed to be.

The Epley maneuver can help reposition the crystals in you ear and you can do it at home :)



Fly away Katie
05-12-10, 20:22
IM dizzy now :( Its horrible x

06-12-10, 01:07
Thanks, I found this useful