View Full Version : Feeling stressed!! Need someone to talk to

becks xxx
04-12-10, 19:17
Hiya everyone..just going through a bit of a hard time at the mo and need to let things out ;(
My little pup died a few weeks back and only just getting over that
Now my little sister's been taken to hospital as she's been being sick loadsssss, ever since monday!!!
The poor thing's on a drip, sleeping for a few hours n feeling really rubbish, then she brightens up for abit and trys eating but can't keep nothing down! They've done an x-ray and she's having an ultrascan? on monday..
But they haven't got a CLUE what's wrong with her!!!!!!!!! how is that even possible?!!?! they're sposed to be doctors!!
I'm so worried, of course all my thoughts have started like: wat if we never get to see her again/what if she dies/what if its serious/cancer?
My head just wont shut up!!!!!! When i think about her just laying there, not even knowing what's wrog with her, and htinking of her suffering i just well up and get all upset :( :( i just want her to be better
this is all soo stressful..and im planning on going to see her tomorrow
obviously because im so stressed out and anxious it's going to be hard as im feeling quite bad, especially as i have such a big fear of hospitals!!!! but i've gotta do it for her!
I'm so stressed out.. what if there's something badly wrong with her?! No way would i cope :'( want my little sis home and better x x

04-12-10, 19:43
Really sorry to hear that news Becks, I'm not surprised you're stressed, it's a lot to cope with.

I have a fear of hospitals too, especially visiting people. For me, I would act strong for her. I wouldn't feel at all strong, but I would act the part. I've no idea whether that's the right thing to do.

Thinking of you :hugs:


becks xxx
04-12-10, 19:56
Yeah definately Chris! I agree with you.. It's the last thing she'd need me breaking down infront of her! Thanks for writing back x