View Full Version : Hi Everyone

04-12-10, 19:49
Hi everyone

My name's Mel and I live in my own flat in the English Borders (Northumberland). I am a bit of a recluse. I have lived up here for about 4 years and I suffer from anxiety and depression. I just wanted to speak with like-minded people who understand what I'm going through. I'm not looking for sympathy, just friendship and understanding.

I have no friends up here at all. All my friends live down south, where I come from. I miss them but could never move back there because I don't enjoy the City life so much now I've been there and done that.

I'm 28 and feel like I have no life. Everything keeps going wrong for me and I seem to have a knack for pushing people away. I decided to change my career in June and applied for a job as a Support Worker, after many years of admin work. I got the job yet I'm still waiting for my CRB check to be completed so I can start. Only problem is I have been unable to secure a temporary job since and I constantly feel bored and miserable. I have no money for anything and just feel like curling up and disappearing. I'm not suicidal, just frustrated with life and everything it throws at me. I just want to have some kind of emotional security at least.

Feel free to message me if you want to talk. Sorry if I sound like a grouch but I'm no good at faking happiness.

04-12-10, 19:50
Hi Fem_of_the_species

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
04-12-10, 20:46
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

paula lynne
04-12-10, 21:58
Hi Mel, youre not alone, welcome aboard x:welcome:

Fly away Katie
05-12-10, 20:59
Hello and welcome to the forum x x x

05-12-10, 21:06
hi and :welcome: to nmp

09-12-10, 11:44
Hi guys, thanks for the welcome messages, it's much appreciated :) It'll be nice to get to know you all.

09-12-10, 15:11
Hi and :welcome:


14-12-10, 10:56
Hi Mel,

You are definetly not alone. I experience the exact same thoughts that you are having. I moved away from my hometown a few years ago and I have no real friends or family where I now live. I am 27 and I have no social life and feel I just have no real life. I feel as if I'm here but I'm not really if that makes sense? I also constantly feel bored and miserable. I am looking to change jobs after years of admin work, as I feel my job is a big factor in my stress/depression/anxiety.
I feel I have no money for anything, ever and just feel hiding away from everything and everyone or sleeping. I'm not suicidal either , just also frustrated with life and everything it throws at me! I want to be the outgoing easygoing person I used to be who had loads of friends and weny about life just fine on a daily basis but I just feel I have to worry about everything and I over-analyze situations and every thought in my head. It's a horrid state of mind. My gp has put me on 50mg sertraline and I'm in my 4th week now and hoping they can give me some sort of help to get over this.

This site is great, it's wonderful to know you are not alone.
Take care

On The Outside
14-12-10, 17:58
Hi Mel,

I know how you feel. I spend too much time by myself and am finding it increasingly harder to go out and be around people. I want to make friends but I suffer from Social Anxiety and shyness and have had bad experiences with friends I did have that have made me more cautious about getting involved with people.

I understand how hard it can be to fake happiness when you're miserable and depressed. I struggle to put on a brave face with so many issues and the feeling that people might judge me. I find that things never go right for me either so become afraid to take any risks.

Anyway, hope to maybe speak to you sometime. :)

14-12-10, 18:09
Hi Mel,welcome to the forum, Im glad you found us.:)