View Full Version : Agoraphobia

20-03-06, 11:52
hi everyone
I am new here and i suffer with full blown agoraphobia.
I used to be able to get out a little bit with my hubby in the car,but even then i could only travel very locally to the local shop,but at least i felt i could get out even if it was for a very short distance.
My hubby is my carer,but he himself is not allowed to use his car anymore as he suffers with blackouts. now everything just seems so much worse,i feel like a prisioner in my home.
I am feeling so isolated and desperate.
If anyone would like to talk or chat to me on msn messenger,my messenger addy is flash1011_9@hotmail.com
It would be lovely to find some new friends here.
Thank you for listening to me.
take care
love linda:D


20-03-06, 12:21
Hi Linda

Welcome to the forum you will get lots of support.

I don't have the same as you but i can imagine what it must be like for you, when my anxiety was really bad the frist time i got it i wouldn't go out the house just incase it got really bad, my husband would do the shopping i felt like i was going out my mind. Now things are much better.

I'm sure you will over come this in time, i have added you to my msn messenger.

take care
linda xx

20-03-06, 13:29
hi linda

i suffer with agoraphobia to and know the feeling of isolation i have great family support i have been like it on and off for 20 years i live in hope that one day i will be ok. if you would like me to add you to my msn messenger let me know i will gladly do it. you take care

nell :D

20-03-06, 13:58
Hi Linda

Welcome to the forum, Like Nell I have also suffered form agoraphobia at different levels for 20 years and still cant get out on my own. My daughter takes me out every day and I am doing quite well at the moment, but I know what a constant battle it is, feel free to PM me any time

Barb xxx

20-03-06, 14:07
Hi Linda

Welcome to the forum.

I too have panic disorder with agoraphobia and totally rely on my partner to take me out, do the shopping and everything else so I can imagine how awful your sitaution must be now your partner is unable to do these things.
I have been having CBT for my agoraphobia but have stopped as I felt that I had got to the stage where I couldn't get any further and the therapist and I just did not gel.
I spend most of the day alone when my partner is at work and the wee one is at school so would be happy to chat to you on MSN. Please send me a PM and let me know.

You will find everyone on this forum is so supportive and helpful it will help you get through.

Take care

20-03-06, 14:11
Another one here who can identify.

Over the last 6 years I have had different levels of agoraphobia - mostly I can get out with someone but at the mo not on my own.

I am just about to start the telephone recovery course with NOPanic the charity, to hopefully give me a boost with this. Have you ever had any therapy to help you with it????

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

20-03-06, 14:59
I just wanted to be another one to add on- i have full blown agrophoia 2!!! i let it take over me for 3 yrs but now im startin to do more things!! i am sick physically everythime i go out and i still feel like runnin away from every situation but i dont- i find if you just try and face it it gets easier! but then again im a welsh lass, so dont take me word for it!!! lol :D

20-03-06, 15:30

I am in the same boat as you...agoraphobia....can get out if someone is with me but not very far.


Will add you to msn if I can get it to work.

Accept the things you cannot change and have courage to change the things you can.

21-03-06, 05:19
I also have agoraphobia. I can manage to walk my dog around the block on my own and sometimes when I am feeling really brave I can go to the local shop on my own as well. I am too scared to use public transport which stops me going further afield. Distance is not a problem for me as long as I am with someone I trust, and they drive me there. Having said that, I have a phobia of planes so I haven't been abroad for years. I have panic attacks in public places so I find waiting rooms and queues particularly difficult. I find restaurants difficult because when I am nervous it is hard to eat. I feel very foolish and alone as I have never met anyone with these problems. Sometimes I think I am weak for having this disorder but other times I think I must be brave for battling it!!! :D

21-03-06, 14:34

Just wanted to say im another who has agoraphobia & like Piglet i cannot get out the house unless someone is with me, im just about able to take the dog for a short walk to the park & back.

So your certainly not alone hun.

Thinking of you

Take Care


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