View Full Version : For Life?

04-12-10, 21:17
I've suffered from anxiety for a very long time now. I never really understood it until my mum took me to the docs when I was about 20 - my boyfriend at the time had called my parents telling them how I was behaving.

I've come to the point now of thinking that I am stuck with this for life because no matter what I try/medication I have taken, it never really seems to ease. I just feel stuck in a rut most of the time. I seem to get a lot of bad luck too, which doesn't seem to help things. I just feel so helpless (and useless). I moved up north from London to escape the crowds and unfortunately left my friends there too, so now I'm anxious, depressed and lonely because it's so hard to get out there and make friends with this going on :(

04-12-10, 23:10
No it's not forever so don't give up!

There's a reason you feel abnormally strong anxiety and that's because of how you think about and approach the thoughts and feelings you experience. It takes time and some hard work but it's completely possible, go easy on yourself and realise that the past has gone and recovery lies in the present and the future. Here's a thread i made on meditation a year back which you may find helpful/encouraging http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=68784

good luck :)

09-12-10, 11:42
Thank you, I will most definitely check this out. When I was younger I did go and see a hypnotherapist for a few sessions. He was very good and it was useful - but very expensive! But if I am able to try and help myself without having to shell out lots of money, I am ready and willing :)