View Full Version : head swirling

04-12-10, 22:21
I'm really worried about this awful feeling I had this evening. I'd been sitting down at the computer for a few minutes - not too hot, or cold, or in a queer position, just perfectly normal. Then suddenly the most awful swirling sensation swept up the back of my neck into my head, all at the back. It lasted about 6 seconds, but felt like forever. I have occasionally had a brief flash of this feeling in the past, gone in a second but this was longer and scarier. Anyone any idea what it could be? Really scared me.

04-12-10, 22:32
Had this sometimes. Think its the weather or you are sensitive and feel the room temp on your body.. and are hyperaware..Its just anxiety and you will be ok.. we all have weird things and feelings like this because we tune ourselves to. Take care. Michael

07-12-10, 14:45
Thanks for your reply Michael. The feeling really took me by surprise because I'd been perfectly relaxed and ok till it suddenly hit. Felt odd since then, it shook me up so much. I hate feeling worried about things all the time but can't seem to stop it!

07-12-10, 14:55
Is your neck aching or has it been aching as tense neck muscles can give you vertigo dizziness and sudden rushes of tingling etc in your head.

07-12-10, 14:57
It sounds similar to what I get occassionally. Like a pressure that suddenly appears base of neck and rushes over your head. ?

07-12-10, 22:24
I do get neck problems - aching just below the neck on the left. Had a scan some time ago which was normal, just 'normal wear and tear' ( I am 49). I really worry that there is a problem with blood vessels to head - narrowing or about to burst or something. It's a real definite feeling of swirling movement and it does travel up from neck up the back of my head - it happened again tonight, just a brief flash. It's scary!

08-12-10, 21:10
It happened to me earlier this evening. I had quite a good day and then suddenly it was if the muscles in my shoulders and back of neck just tensed and sent the sensation up to nape of neck giving a tight, whoozy feeling.

10-12-10, 09:39
I wasn't aware of any muscles tensing....was quite happily Facebooking when the feeling suddenly hit. It's horrible how you can suddenly get such an awful physical feeling isn't it? Made me feel queer for a couple of days, expecting it to hit again...still keep feeling sort of off balance, but that's not the same as the rush up the back of my head. I wish it would all just go away! It really felt like something was rushing and whirling up my head and made me instinctively clutch at it....which made no difference whatsoever...really unpleasant and scary