View Full Version : Sleeping Problems & DR / DP

20-03-06, 11:57
Hey folks!

This is quite long, but please hear me out.

I have quite a problem and I know that if I didn't have this problem I'd probably be rid of anxiety altogether!

I'd just like to give you a background story so you can understand.

My anxiety started when my Dad was very ill last May. We all suspected he might have the big C, but it was a very nasty case of poisening. Anyway, my anxiety developed and I was constantly obsessed with getting or having cancer. This continued until December. I noticed as the months past that I was finding it difficult to sleep. It started to take root and although I was sleeping anyway, I was getting very anxious about sleeping.

I once had a panic atack whilst trying to sleep, and then wondered if I had forgotten how to sleep! It just seemed like such a weird process.

I then developed a problem in-which my head felt very heavy against the pillow... that kept me awake for quite a while and then I'd fall asleep. Basically, sleep was becoming a daily problem for me.

A very disturbing event happened to me in June last year. We went to Spain and I decided to go for a walk to the beach. Trouble is that it was quite a long walk along a main road. I had no phone and hardly any money. When I reached the beach, and far away from 'safety', I had a massive panic attack. I realised I was far, far away and was too exhausted and hot to walk back again. It was boiling hot that day.

So imagine my situation... in a foreign country where no one could understand me, no money, no phone, no way of getting back home, boiling hot and exhausted. I was absoloutely terrified. I thought I was going to die. Remember, I was also suffering from anxiety at the time.

I was so desperate I flagged down a car and the Spaniard drove me the majority of the way. Still, walking back I thought I was going to collapse and die. My heart felt like it was going to explode. I remember just lying on the tarmac and some point because I was so overhwhelmed by my situation.

I managed to get back home but was very apprehensive of going to sleep that night. I thought I was going to die in my sleep, I don't know why. I thought that the whole experience had weakened me, like someone is weaker after having a heart attack.

Since this time, I've been paranoid about exerting too much energy, due to my experience.

I was still sleeping fine, though. Still had a problem with sleep, but was sleeping fine.

In December, we went on a cruise. I'd say that my worries about not falling asleep were starting to get worse by now.

Why worry about not falling asleep? Well because if I don't get any sleep then I'm not recharging my batteries and if I'm not recharging my batteries then I'm devoid of energy. This worry about not having enough energy... being exhausted, stems to my experience in Spain. I also worry that if I don't get enough sleep then I might start hallucinating... I've heard stories about that.

Basically, it's a worry of losing control.

So on the ship, I was having quite a lot of fun. As the cruise came to and end, I was getting depressed and anxious again. I wasn't looking forward to going home where my troubles seemed to be waiting for me. I shared a cabin with my brother... it was very soothing to know he was there next to me. As the cruise came to an end, I was finding it alot harder to fall asleep. On the last day of the cruise, I didn't sleep until 6:00am. I only got two hours sleep.

As you can imagine, I was very disturbed by this due to my explainations above. I was tired, depressed, feeling ill and anxious. Add to this the whole drama of returning home after such a fun holiday. That was a very, very dark day mentally.

I was very anxious about sleeping that night. I was in my room alone, I was hot and uncomfortable, extremely depressed. I couldn't sleep. Didn't get to sleep until about 4:00am.

I reakon a phobia was born on that day. I reakon I now attribute the process of sleep with that very dark day.

I've had this problem ever since. I have good day and bad days but bas

20-03-06, 12:03
Sorry if I misread but are you taking anything like a ssri anti depressant at the moment?

I can relate to all of your things you said completely but I wanted to ask that before I answered.

There can be a few explanations and tips.


Learning to under react

20-03-06, 12:07
Naw... not taking any medication.

20-03-06, 12:17
Ok, Take this any way you like as it may sound good or bad depending on how you react.

I wenth through the same stuff you are saying nd in the end was sitting there all day everyday and night trying to sleep and couldnt get more than 1.5 hours sleep and kept getting worse. I tried everything. I knew it was anxiety but could not shake it. Knowing the problem, doesnt always make it easier.

I ended up seeing the mental health team as no sleep made my anxiety worse and worse and I couldnt take it.

I had depression also (that I did not realise) and I am taking an ssri med.

My sleep has gotten better with ssri medication and yes I had to take sleeping pills to start and "catch up".

You say sleep pills dont work. I was the same and hated the thought of taking sleep pills and when I did, they didnt work. I was given 5 different pills one night at hospital and they didnt work.

The next night they gave me a anti psychotic pill (as a sleep pill only) and it knocked me out but I hated the feeling.

The next night they prescribed me 3 x times the normal dose of a pill called stilnox (non benzo sleep pill) and I used them for a month or so until I got sleep back a little normal. These are not your nomal sleep pill (they great and not like normal ones - new generation) and some people take 1/2 but I need 3!

This is what helped me anyway. I take pills to sleep sometimes as the problem is still there btu I am slowly dealing with my anxiety and sleep anxiety. At least I am sleeping now.

I guess I cant say much apart from my own experience with this which sounds awfully similar to yours.

It is anxiety and you know why it is but you cant stop it and that makes it worse - I understand fully.

I was diagnosed with depression and that was it as well as the anxiety, so maybe you might need a little med help too like I did? It could be a combo of a few things that you dont realise. Mine was anxiety as I thught but also depression that I never expected etc. The depression diagnosis is good though, least you know how to help it then.

Least you can attempt to get better then - cant get better with no sleep.

Hope that helped.
P.S. Not giving you cr**, but I suffered the same things as you seriusly, its uncanny!

I hate sleep pills and msot dont work for me but I am s o glad I found this one and it saved me. Not saying they are always right but this helped me get back to "my normal".

Pm me if needed.


Learning to under react

20-03-06, 12:24
Isn't it nasty? I wouldn't wish it upon anybody. Thanks for your story.

I just feel prisoner to this problem. I have anxiety all day and even more at the time I should be getting a break.

It's so overwhelming.

20-03-06, 12:27
Yes it is very nasty.

You have anxiety all day and then finally the only time you can get some rest, you cant. Its the worst thing ever!

you feel as though nothing and no freedom from this can be found! its depressing as hell but it can get better.

Makes it even worse that you know why but still cant do anything or nothing works to fix it at the time.

Sleep probs are a sign of many things from anxiety to depression to other things. I know its anxiety most likely in your case but you might need some help with it.


Learning to under react

20-03-06, 12:39
hi just to say that slep can be a problem 4 me,it has not escalted to thr point you have tho,.if i cant sleep,i dontsleep!ito have panics be4 i drop off or jump awake gaspin 4 air sometimes,all part of the anxiety 'thing'soooo tedious aint it!!that experience you had in spain sound horrendous,you poor thing and yet you BRAVE thing too!lord i've had that happen in town and i wanted to die,to be free of the terror[i dont do town anymore,needless to say]one day we will let go of our anxieties and be free,till then we have each other.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

20-03-06, 13:08
chop, apart from experiencing severe anxiety, will I come to any harm? Will I die or start going mad and hallucinating?

God I'm so scared right now.

20-03-06, 13:51
No harm. No hallucinations. Just BAD anxiety!

All I had happen was broke down (anxiety/panic) from not sleeping and so much worry. It wasnt that bad. I actually felt better after that and found some answers.

I dont mean to scare - broke down isnt bad. I just couldnt handle the lack of sleep any longer and anxiety got worse. (like you are experiencing)

it helped me in the end. I found sone answers finally!

P.S. NO you will not hallucinate and go crazy (i thought I would) but it certainly doesnt help the anxiety (lack of sleep).

Funny thing is I went for so long on almost no sleep and not actually coming to any harm and my worst fear and anxiety provoker was lack of sleep. It shows we are scared of things that actually cant hurt us and the harm we feel will come, doesnt. Its the anticipatory anxiety thats often worse than the outcome.

I could never go without a lot of sleep as too much anxiety from lack of sleep but then I actually found I could. its in our heads.

Dont be afraid to try a newer sleep pill to get some catch up sleep or finally rest though. pm me if needed.

or discountpumps at hotmail.com

Hope that nights!

Learning to under react

20-03-06, 14:45
Many thanks, chop - that's just what I needed to hear. You're right, I do get anxious that I will come to harm due to lack of sleep.

I just need to start putting the issue into perspective and stop getting so worked up about it.

You've been a great help, chop! Quite surprised there's someone else that has had the same problem. Thought I was the only one!

The DR / DP doesn't help matters.

Thanks again,

- Luke

20-03-06, 15:03
glad I was.

Look up search posts about DP/DR. I had it bad too! Some of the posts might help you.

Its the worst thing/feeling ever.


Learning to under react

20-03-06, 15:27
The irony is that we are both capable of falling asleep naturally! That's the most frustrating aspect of this problem.

At first I thought I had lost the ability to sleep... that all I could achieve was the weird 'edge of sleep' stage.

I read http://www.relax-and-sleep.com/insomnia_solution.html which helped me a lot. It raises a very good point. Why get anxious about something that's so natural and so easy? No one showed us how to sleep when we were babies... we just did it... because it's so natural. My particular trouble is that I focus on the fact that 'I'm not asleep yet' which creates anxiety which in-turn keeps me awake. It's a weird self-fuelling paradox.

20-03-06, 16:01
Yes, I agree and that is most likely the problem.

I needed sleep pills though for a bit. I tried relaxation, no anxiety at all, just could not sleep. Mine maybe differnt thogh. I guess it was anx/depression though.


Learning to under react