View Full Version : Alcohol + palps.

05-12-10, 01:38
Ok, so I've had a bit to drink tonight (ok a lot) but I figured if there's any time to binge drink it's when I'm 20 and can make up for it later!!! So I've had a really REALLY good night, but now I'm in I'm startin to get a few little palps/ectopics etc which are stressing me out a lil bit cuz I'm startin to soberish up. I've had like 3/4 of a bottle of vodka with coke, so porbs bout a litre of coke!

I know, my rational mind is sayin "no wonder you're palpitating (is that a word? ;s) emma" but the rest of me is like "OMGGG WHAT HAVE YOU DONEEE?!!?" Thinking I'm about to have a heart attack. I guess it's completely normal to have a few palps with vokda+coke+anxiety? Just getting a little worried, I don't want to go into a major panic, wake up my mum and start another fight off.

I'm taking propranolol too, my mum takes like 100mg of beta blocker though to help with her high blood pressure and still drinks but she doens't get extremely drunk like I've done lol so starting to be like "OMFG why did you do this" cuz of mixing beta blokcers and a shed load of alcohol. Starting to wish I hadn't but I'm only young once, I'm tired of not acting like it because of my health anxiety so I just thought sod it tonight!

Any reassurance/advice is really truley appriciated! xx

05-12-10, 10:14
I thought you were around my age :D I'm nineteen - and I wish I could drink like that! One alcopop and I'm falling asleep :blush: the doctor told me to steer clear of it as we obviously don't mix!! Yes but I think you know yourself that the ectopics probably came on cos of the drink - and then got worse with you worrying..

If it helps with ectopics, there is a website for gps telling them when they have to refer yoou to Cardio - it is, if you have a significant ECG abnormality, symptoms suggesting heart failure or cardiac problems, fainting or near fainting, a family history, or a relative who died with no warning before the age of 35. (Patient UK - Extrasystoles).. Which has really reassured me. Of course, inevitably once I looked at that I ended up with the new symptom of chest pain :yesyes: but it does help!

Glad you had a good night :D hope you're not too hungover this morning :winks:

Take care, Linda (daisycake) xx

05-12-10, 17:36
You were only getting palps because of the alcohol and coke. And you'll probably have a few today as well (the day after). But good on you for having a few drinks, you probably knew that you'd get palps but you just did it anyway. It shows you're not as scared/as worried as you were. :)

Your heart is fine and is only 20 years of age, it can handle a few drinks every now and then ;)


05-12-10, 17:41
Here's some info on your heart and alcohol, apparently it's quite good for it (in moderation ofcourse)

"Alcohol can increase the level of the "good or healthy cholesterol " i.e High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol "HDL" cholesterol. Some alcoholic drinks also contain flavanoids which are thought to have a protective effect on the heart."


05-12-10, 21:04
Thank you Linda and Ella :)

Really really reassuring posts from both of you! I've felt ok today, no palps so far (touch wood lol) probs will now I've said that! =/ Feel loads better after reading your posts though so really, thank you xxx

05-12-10, 21:10
Coke is of course loaded with caffine which is a no no for ectopic sufferers.

My heart always goes fast with alcohol, even just a sip makes my heart go faster. I tend to avoid it like the plague now because I gate feeling my heart go faster and having no control over it, which is a shame as I love a glass of red wine.

05-12-10, 23:46
Glad I could help!


06-12-10, 09:08
I've found that alcohol gives me palpitations as well - I assumed initially that it was just a sign of advancing age(!) but it seems to increase anxiety in lots of people.

06-12-10, 13:02
Thank you dodo and blueangel :)

I'm alright with my heart going faster with alcohol, fast heart rates don't bother me like they used to, just palps/ectopics that I need to get my head round now! Think I'm starting to cuz I havn't had any since I was drunk which has gotta mean I've stopped worryin about them I think! :) Feelin like I've turned a bit of a corner to be honest! xxx

06-12-10, 13:57
Gad you're doing so well! It's only a matter of time until you conquer this fully.
