View Full Version : so fed up :(

05-12-10, 01:55
I don't really have a question to ask, more of a rant.
I'm so fed up of having HA, I worry about every symptom I have, even sneezing worries me now!
I check my body everyday for lumps, I check my spit to make sure I'm not coughing up blood, I'm forever looking at myself in the mirror to notice any rashes or swellings, I get worried the moment I get tired and think it's something sinister.
It's really wrecking my life and I feel extremely grumpy with it lately.
I've been burning up a bit and immediatley I thought I had cancer even though I know there's several bugs going around.
I've tried counselling and seen a psychatrist but none have helped, tried anti-deprassants to but they made me worse! (i'm under 18 so there's only so much they can prescribe me)
i'm really fed up of all this now I just want to live a normal life. Small things are annoying me because of my health anxiety and I broke down in front of my boyfriend the other day, I jsut cannot stand it anymore! :weep:
what else can i do? my life is really seeming to become meaningless x

05-12-10, 02:00
It will pass...One day something will just click and you will think less and less about anxiety and your health and think more and more about the things you like to do.Just hang in there..It will be ok..Michael

05-12-10, 02:06
thank you for your response looking4answers. i really cant wait for that day! it's so tiring worrying about the same things over and over again xx

05-12-10, 02:07
have you tried CBT or antidepressants?
I think you really just need the right treatment, you want to get better you just need some one to teach you how step by step.
Your life is not meaningless x

06-12-10, 14:14
thanks mishel, yeah i've tried a bit of everything but like I said there's only really so much they can do for under 18s anti depressant wise, the only two i'm allowed are fluoxitine (sp?) and citalopram (which i wasn't really allowed in the first place as they don't usually prescribe it to under 18s), both had no effect, or they did but it only lasted a few days and I felt crappy again.
its just so awful feeling like this day in day out, i feel as if nobody cares and the doctors don't take me seriously :(