View Full Version : More HA problems

05-12-10, 06:00
Hey everyone. Well, even though I'm gettig there with my HA problems and I'm starting to feel myself again, I still have a few probs I'm worried about. For 3 days striaght, I've had that horrible 'off' feeling where you're not sick sick, but feel yuck, my eyes feel as though they always heavy and tired no matter how little or less sleep I get and I'm sick of the headaches, (which are not related to a brain tumour, I've had CT scans, all clear). I'm shaking a bit from head to toe still and my legs feel tight and weak and sometimes I feel like I'm not going to be able to walk (though I admit I dont exercise a lot), same can go for for my arms at times too. I'm so close to getting back to my old self again, this is just annoying :). I'm not overly anxious so I cant see why these problems are still here and thats why I'm worried there not anxiety related. My lips are still sore for no reason and tingling and numb and when I breathe in and my mouth is open, my lips tingle even more. Lastly I'm also still feeling a bit sick in my throat when I eat still, its not as bad, but the feeling is still there as well as still feeling like I'm getting a bit fuller up in my throat after I eat, but not my stomach, athough that problem isnt entirely that bad at the present time I admit. Any help? :unsure: