View Full Version : Symptoms related to eyes

05-12-10, 09:47
I've still been worrying about my eyes and here's my symptoms:

Blurry eyes.
Waking up having to rub them as they feel sleepy.
Poor concentration.
Dull vision.
Irritated in the corner.
Fear of going blind.
Blood shot if I rub it.

What's the cause..google came up with some horrible illnesses?

But I'm still very worried over my over all heath..feel pretty crap, worried..feel very ill. :blush:

05-12-10, 18:29
Yeah, I can relate man. If there is one health anxiety symptom I struggle to shake off, it is eye problems. I am often touching and rubbing my eyes.
Basically, because of our anxiety, our bodies are always in 'ready to go' mode and this means things start working differently, and in overtime.

05-12-10, 23:04
Let's put it this way. Your eyes are connected to your nerves and your nerves are affected by anxiety..

I know since my anxiety flare up's it's effected my eyes. I get my eyes checked yearly, even paid extra for special tests my ins will not cover and my eyes are fine, yet I get all these crazy issues with them..

One of the best is the floaters. I best my eye doc thought I was crazy because he did not see any in a test they took when I told him. He said they must have been really tiny, yet I see them just fine..

06-12-10, 09:29
There are many symptoms related to eyes such as absence of eye or eyes, bloodshot eye, blurred vision, bulging eye, eye pain, red eye, eye inflammation, eye itch, and many more. It all for eyes problems.

06-12-10, 13:56
i get all your symptoms too and when i'm working on my computer my vision can sometime disappear into the computer like those magic eye things you used to get!

25-01-11, 17:28
I've had more symptoms related to my eyes:

My eyes flick like a blink.
Eyes feel hazy and shaky.
More dull vision.
When I'm out everything seems unreal.
I feel I'm seeing but my eyes are closed or crazy thoughts like I'm closing my eyes to avoid all the stress?
Eyes feel dreamy.
I feel like a puppet or not alive or I'm floating.
My eyes keep moving around when in out like some kind of foucuskg problem?
I read a book and suddenly my eyes go dull in seconds.

Is this normal? Like when I walk it feels like I'm walking seeing through a camera as it's like fast moving? Jerky, feels fast moving like a train. Is this anxiety? I'm suffering bad derealization at the moment.

26-01-11, 00:55
Nobody had my latest eye symptoms?

26-01-11, 09:14
Hi, yes I can relate to all of your symptoms derealization eye problems just like yours and also my ears feel muffled as if they need to pop, its's totally awful.it will pass and we will all get better just go with it and keep active each time mine seems to be slightly less apparent but it's one of the worst symptoms and seems to linger. keep your chin up.

26-01-11, 11:56
My eyes flick like a blink.
i have this and most other syptoms. Thanks for this post it has made me realise i am just anxious. :D

26-01-11, 17:23
I have had some similar symptoms and thought it was related to migraine (prob bought on by anxiety). The doc suggested eye test. Optician was very good and said my eyes were fine and it was likely that the blurred peripheral vision, trouble focusing particularly with the tv and the PC at work were more to do with 'low mood and anxiety'. She was right! The symptoms subsided once I had stopped getting myself in a pickle over them. It amazes me what wierd and worrying symptoms anxiety can throw up..very complicated things are bodies and minds!

11-02-11, 21:28
Is there any cure for these eye related symptoms?

They are worst during prolonged derealization..

My eyes are hazy, misty, floaters, fuzzy vision, nippy, getting vivid colours..I heard about computer eye strain?

But with DR I also stare into space or the PC in a "trance" like mode...when I wake up I shut my eyes and have to open them as everything seems unreal.

I constantly get thoughts like "I'll make myself go blind" "I'm blind in my mind so that will stop my eyes functioning effectively meaning I lose my mind and nothing is reality anymore" "Maybe I need glasses".

When I'm out my eyes seem misty..strained, sensitive..everything is bright all the time...

Can anybody relate to how I feel? :wacko: (Posted as I'm bored googling eye symptoms again getting no where)..

23-02-11, 01:32
I've been getting alot of symptoms generally my eyes seem very "sensitized" I suspect it's anxiety...

My eyes feel like glary when I look at the PC, heavy, nippy, getting alot of floaters ect..

Anybody else had this?

23-02-11, 10:34
Computers & Vision

More than 50 percent of computer users experience eyestrain, headaches, blurred vision and other visual symptoms related to sustained use of the computer. This type of stress on the visual system can also cause body fatigue and reduced efficiency at work. In addition, there are now indications that heavy computer users are at risk for glaucoma (http://www.naturaleyecare.com/study.asp?s_num=124).
Many of these symptoms can be reduced through a combination of correcting workstation conditions, posture, stress-relieving lenses prescribed specifically for computer operation, special anti-glare screens, eye exercises and nutritional supplementation.
We were born to have hunters' eyes, needed for spotting game or danger at a distance. But during the last 50 years nearly all our work and much of our recreation, for example, video games, has shifted the focus of our vision to arm's length. This increased amount of near visual tasks often produces such changes as nearsightedness, suppressed vision in one eye, poor eye teaming and reduced efficiency at work and at play.

23-02-11, 18:35
PC eye strain then?

26-04-11, 23:54
Hi, i have suffered from health anxiety since i was 15. Im 27 now. This is my first post! Been under a lot of stress recently, had to stop my medication as I am currently 25 weeks pregnant, my other children are 3 and 2. My most recent health anxeity has been my eyes! I was so happy to find this thread! I have been getting a strange sensation out of the corner of my left eye where when I look out of it to the side straight lines are not straight lines if you see what I mean! Im convinced it is something awful. Seen my doc who said that the eyes are like huge nerves and that when you get stressed the eyes suffer. he did a thorough eye exam and I had been to the optician about 3 months ago and the doc said he could see nothing suspicious and that stress coupled with pregnancy which can cause the nerves of the eyes to swell aparently is the cause! I felt like id been fobbed off! Has anyone else experienced strange side vision? Im convinced I have a brain tumor :(( Doc assures me that there is no sign of this!