View Full Version : another shakey day

20-03-06, 12:09
feeling shakey and scared today....

don't really know what I want to say... got an appoint with psych services on the 3rd april... was talking to a friend about it yesterday. she said "be careful what you say to them". That scared me.

My wife didn't make it to work today... I'm scared she might lose her job.... we've justbought a small flat... missed the first payment for the mortgage. scary.

head feels full of worries.... any words of encouragement.....

20-03-06, 12:40
don`t listen to your friend who told you to be carefull on what you tell the pshych services. they are only there to help you and guide you to the right path. I havve been seeing them for the past few years and if you gel with that person, they can become your friend.


20-03-06, 13:16
i agree,take no notice of that ridiculous comment!make sure you take to the person you see[if you dont you can ask 4 someone else]this is the start of a very good thing,it wil help you and your wife,as she will know you are getting the support you need,hey be happy,you have a clean page comun upand you can start again.we all here 4 you.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

20-03-06, 13:28

Just be honest about your feelings etc. They can only help you if the know the real story, not a glossy one edited in Hollywood!

Take care and best of luck on the 4th.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-03-06, 13:29
Hi dela,

I am feeling shakey and scared today too. I have an appointment next week with the mental health team about attending the day unit at Hospital and although part of me is soooo scared the other part knows that it might be just what I need.

Please ignore silly comments about watching what you tell the psych as the people who make these sorts of sweeping statements are normally ill informed.
I have been seeing my CPN for over a year now and feel like she is a friend and I can tell her anything. They are there to help you and if you hold back they can't form a true clear picture of what's going on and help you.

Once you have some suppport in place I am sure that things will start to look a bit better for you.
Best of luck.


20-03-06, 14:29
Suffering with depression and anxiety .. what is this swimming feeling that I get in my head.. seems to affect my memory and concentration and functioning.

Seem to become “obsessed” with the depression and anxiety conditions. Feel guilty about that. Difficult to get focus off them. Is this normal?
Thanks for replies btw

20-03-06, 15:25
Hi there dela ( not your real name I know) mine is'nt u0000998 either it is joanne.

Yes I feel obsessed with my symptoms 24/7. In fact that I would say is my major problem. I don't worry about the physical stuff just worry about how I am feeling psychoilogically all the time. Find it hard to escape from myself if you understand that. I don't know if it is normal but I think definate symptom of A & D. Does anyone else out there feel this I wonder?