View Full Version : Strange feelings in hands!

05-12-10, 12:17

Does anyone ever get stange feelings in their hands? Its hard to explain but they just feel weird and feel cool compared to the rest of my body.

Ok that sounds really weird and its really hard to describe how they are feeling but its freakin me out! Its really making me panic and i supposed is just making it worse.

Mandie x

05-12-10, 12:19
Sometimes I experience random tingling down the side of my hand, or perhaps in two of my fingers. It might last for about half an hour, and happens when I'm particularly worried? I know that's not exactly what you mean, but that's the nearest I have in terms of personal experience!

05-12-10, 12:53
I think this is probably depersonalizatioin. I always get this whenever i get depersonalization, only i get it in both my hands and my arms. Its very hard to describe..i used to think i was having a stroke lol. I realise now its just anxiety, heightened nerve endings due to adrenaline runing through your body. dsont worry i know its not nice but its not guna harm u xx

05-12-10, 14:30
You're not alone. I get these weird feelings too in my hands and sometimes even in my arms x

05-12-10, 20:10
Thank you for your replies.

It did stop this afternoon, i kept myself busy and tried to forget. I get so scared of any symptoms i get and think im dying :weep:

mandie x

Fly away Katie
05-12-10, 20:33
Same love, I can totally sympathise with you. I always have cold hands, and when I have a panic attack they tingle like mad x x x

06-12-10, 00:20
I wasnt having a pa when my hands felt weird, but i certainly felt anxious after i had this. xx

06-12-10, 11:19

I get this all the time. As far as I know its to do with the body reacting to stress over all not just flares of anxiety. Anxiety upsets all the chemicals and hormones in the body and effects everything. Adrenaline upsets the other hormone balances for everything, cortisol , insulin epinephrine seratonin.....all of them.

When this happens the body is constantly trying to adddress the unbalance and does weird things to do it.....but its all totally normal.

Your hands, and feet are peripheral and the body circulation adjust in these areas to modulate and control the blood pressure, the oxygen levels and body temerature all the time. One of the ways this occurs is that the veins and arteries can relax or contract . When they contract the tiny capillaries that supply the skin surface tighten and the blood flow to the skin is less. It can make the hands and feet feel colder or tingly. It can make us look 'white' when we are scared and flushed when we are too hot. It changes how much we can sweat and this is why we can get sweaty palms when we are nervous. Its also why our hair stands on end when we get a fright.

Its really clever and the body knows exactly what it is doing. Please realx and trust your body its just doing its thing.

Your okay hun...stress is there all the time even between peaks and troughs in anxiety.


06-12-10, 11:48
Hi. Yes this is something iv been having alot of latley! Your hand kinda, feels like its cold but weak at the same time? Bloody awful isnt it? x x x

06-12-10, 12:00
Feel lucky it's in your hands, I get it in my head. :(

06-12-10, 12:30
Lisa,thank u so much for that detailed reply, i really appreaciate it :D

Thanks Sammie, they are tingling today, be nice if they just felt like normal hands lol

Raver - i get it in my head to, and i dont feel lucky its in my hands, it was a really horrible feeling


06-12-10, 12:50
I have a horrible hot feeling in my hands today and a bit tingly as well.

Do any of you guys feel like the skin on your hands is really dry and tight?
