View Full Version : HIV question

05-12-10, 14:14
So out of no where I have been having this HIV fear. I have no reason to really think I have HIV but I can't shake this fear. I had a standard CBC and blood chemistry back in November and it showed no problems. I didn't have an HIV test but am I safe to assume that if I was HIV positive and having symtpoms from HIV that these routine blood tests would have at least had something off in them that would warrent follow up? Thanks and God bless you all for listening.


Fly away Katie
05-12-10, 20:38
Have you had unsafe sex? x

05-12-10, 20:52

I wonder what has made you worry about HIV?
I usually "find" something to worry about when there really is no need or reason for it - suppose thats just part of having anxeity.

I really don't think you have anything to worry about - you say you've had other blood tests which were normal and i'm sure something would show on a blood test on a person with HIV.

You DON'T have HIV


05-12-10, 22:21
Hi there, Im 27, I have had exactly the same fear recently. I was reading an article in a magazine about a girl who caught it, and it just triggered something ever since. My ex partner did have affairs and I don;t know if he used protection or not, and then I think about who those girls have had unprotected sex with etc etc etc... so I technically could have it but I am soooooooo scared to have a test, as I don't know what I would do if it came back positive, especially as I have quite bad health anxiety. My counciller has convinced me to have a test to rule it out so I can get over this HIV fear, I think I will do it this week as I can't go on feeling so scared when there may be nothing to worry about. And on the positive side if I did have it at least I could have treatment to keep me alive longer... as I also have a really bad fear of death... arrggghhh, just want a care free life!!
I think you should also have the test, as i'm very sure you will NOT have it, and neither will I.......

Only one way for us to find out!

Melanie xxx

05-12-10, 23:12
This is what kick started my ha off. I started thinking about someone who I'd slept with and who he could possibly have slept with blah blah blah. Someone made a throw away comment one day about HIV and that was that, worried for 7 whole years!!!!!

Of course every time you google a symptom it gives you HIV so that made things worse. Got myself into a real state.

It wasn't till I saw said man with a couple of kids in tow I realised how stupid I'd been and my fear lifted straight away and I've not worried since.

05-12-10, 23:42
Thanks for the responses. I have no real reason to think I have HIV. I have been married for 13 years and as far as I know niether my wife nor I have been unfaithful. I had a couple of HIV tests before I got married, six months after I had unprotected sex because I flipped out that I may have it. The tests were both negative. I just fear some long latent strain that is just now causing symptoms. I am sure my symptoms are anxiety related but I still fear the unknown. Anyway, thanks and good luck

06-12-10, 10:58
Hi there

I know how you feel! Ive had this fear for almost four years now.......really draining.

I have taken five tests , all were negative, but my anxiety foccussing on 'symptoms' i have and makes me feel like the tests were wrong and they have somehow missed it.

I think that the key factors here for both of us are the 'what if'.... and because we can never proove anything too 100% certainty.....there is no total gaurantee in life with anything......

so really you need to deal with your need for certainty and your feelings of 'what if' generally. Testing for hiv is not the answer to dealing with this anxiety strangely. Im mean sure its great for everyone to test for this illness if they have ever had sex! but the way i see it is your problem is anxiety disorder and hiv tests dont do sh*t for that condition!! Trust me Ive tried that solution ...5 times!!

The wat forward is realising when the 'what it' feelings are coming into play and intentionally making a distinction between reality that you can see here and now and what is a fear constructed in your mind hun


06-12-10, 11:23
Also, I think one of the key things to remember about HIV in the Western world is that it isn't *actually* that common. OK, there is a high prevalence of it in Africa, but unless you have travelled there extensively and had unprotected sex whilst there, the only other big factors are having unprotected sex with "high risk" individuals (e.g. drug users).

Also, if you have had general blood tests, I would have thought that anyone with active HIV would have an altered white blood cell count, which would lead to further investigations.

Hope this helps.

08-12-10, 21:36

Just to add, standard blood test do not test for HIV, saying that the CD4 cells if low will present other possible tell tale signs for your GP.

As said you only need to test if you had a risk that is only what you know...??

But as one responder said that hiv in the UK is low well actuall its not that low due to the immigrant population increase over the past ten years. HIV1 is prevelant in the UK with stats saying 70K undiagnosed peolpe out in the community posong a risk, and not knowing they are HIV+.

HIV 2 strain is very rare and defined to western africa and is even rare in that location.

The only way to know your status is test, which is a simple task, totally confidential even your GP does not know and your details are protected by law. You can even use a false name if you want. You can access a test at a NHS GUM clinic ask for a P24 and antibody test and you get the result back if you want the same day.
The accuracy at 28 days post risk is 99.89% and at 6 weeks at around 99.999999% conclusive. This only changes is you have autoimmune problems like chemo, cancer treatment, Lupas, etc then you will be asked to retest at a further 7 days and then 14 days.

I hope this info helps, if anyone needs any info I have reasearched this area very well and happy to help.

oh by the way the reason for my HA was exactly the same all starting with a routine blood test....

I just noted that your are in the USA the CDC bang on about a 12 week conclusive test, on saying that NYC and Mass use a 6 week conclusive with the trst I mentioned ( inc modern 3 rd generation anitbody test only)


08-12-10, 21:47
Drummer's clearly done his homework on this, but it's my understanding that a lot of undiagnosed HIV in the UK is not just due to immigration - though it's true HIV is higher in the African community. A lot of cases are being picked on by Brits buying sex abroad (SE Asia, Eastern Europe) and not taking proper precautions with casual pick-ups. Some younger gay men are getting complacent too.
But, it's unlikely people who suffer from health anxiety would be so reckless about their health!

08-12-10, 21:58
totally agree, with this not to stress the immigration point but I was reading the last THT observations for lst year and this year and the levels of as you say AFRICAN nationals accessing HIV services has increased a great huge amount compared with other years. But yes, as you say overseas jollies with the young putting it about is on the up.:ohmy:
