View Full Version : Worried over ms. Googled and now panicking... AGAIN!

Natalie x
05-12-10, 14:24
Hi. You may have seen my previous threads where i was worrying about a strange sensation in my leg which led to me worrying about ms. Well i know i shouldn't have but i did, i googled and it was saying things about having a virus. Well at the moment i have cold. I know im going to start panicking again and im looking for some support. Im so fed up with this worrying. Please reply x

Natalie x
05-12-10, 15:00
Anyone? x

05-12-10, 15:25
Shame on you for googling

There is practically no ailment that when it is put into Google does not come up with MS. And the other problem is you will ignore the reasonable answers until you find MS somewhere on page fifteen and then convince yourself you have it.

Is it likely the sensation is muscle tension being constantly fuelled by your anxiety? – I would imagine so.

05-12-10, 22:17
Hey Natalie, you sound like me a few weeks ago, I went to docs a few times about my legs, tingley feet, aching muscles, worrying about ms or some circulation issues, I even told her my feel were cold!! My main worrying issue though was that I was getting a kind of hot flush feeling in my right calf, sometimes every 20mins, sometimes twice a day - weirdest feeling - Ive since felt it in my left foot a couple of times but generally its gone now! I worried so much about it, googled it and also found some ms stuff which worried me - but also some posts on other people having same when they had a cold! The doc disnt seem concerned at all really and said my funny feelings were all related to my anxiety and not breathing calmly when i get panicy! The leg thing has passed now and ive moved on to something new to worry about!! lol
Im sure you are well, take care - hugs x

Natalie x
05-12-10, 23:20
Thanks for your replies guys. I hope you are both right. Bam75, did you get the sort of numb feeling? But its not numb to touch? I kept prodding around and i could still feel it x

06-12-10, 09:11
I used to fret about MS a lot when I was younger, as my dad died of it and there is a higher risk of contracting it if you have a close family member with it. I used to get numb patches on my face, loss of balance and all sorts of other symptoms which I decided were MS. I was about 21 at the time, so felt that I was a prime candidate for it.

However, the symptoms of "real" MS are actually much more well-defined and persistent than the ones you're describing, so do try and resist the urge to Google!

06-12-10, 23:34
Hey Natalie, I wouldnt say I had numb feelings but the most unusual hot feeling lasting only 5-10 seconds at a time. Id never heard of anything like it but started panicing and noticing every vein, spider vein, bruise and blemish on my legs! My doc actually showed me her own legs to prove it was nothing to worry about and the hot thing seemed to go away on its own when my worrying eased.
Blueangel seems to know more about ms and sounds like you would really know about it.
Keep strong hun x

07-12-10, 01:35
I get all the same crazy feelings, well minus the numbness and cold spots.. I get tingles, legs and arms go weak, I get the shakes, my ears also feel like they are on fire, turn red and all. I also get weird headaches, not painful ones. They are more like numb/tension. Just this morning when I would walk I felt like I leaning over and wobbling yet I was not...

I often sit and ask how does my doctor not know it's MS. What criteria is he using to rule it out and say it's just anxiety.. So frustrating, but I feel your pain..

07-12-10, 01:53
Bam75....I got the hot flushing on my thigh and foot also, it was intermittent through out the day and lasted two weeks. My doctor didn't know what it was and thought nothing of it. I ofcourse googled and freaked out when MS was first on the list!! I haven't been the same again!

Javajoy....I too would like to know what criteria a doctor uses to determine if what you have is serious (MS) or not.....None of the doctors or neuro I've been too were worried about MS and yet Dr. Google was convinced I had it!!

Nathalie...I've felt all kinds of weird skin sensations including percieved numbness....I was testing a patch of skin on my leg that I thought was numb with my curling iron (a moment of craziness!!) and it wasn't!! Had a scar for a week!!

07-12-10, 12:09
Never forget that Dr Google is a false prophet. He can't examine you, or run any tests. Before the internet, I used to go onto bookshops and look symptoms up in medical books and frighten myself to death that way, but unfortunately this is one of the not-so-good things about the worldwide web.

Natalie x
07-12-10, 13:21
Hi guys. Thank you for all your replies. I haven't been on in a couple of days purposely becuase I am trying my hardest not to think about it and put it out of my mind. I was a bot off balance when I was putting my boots on the other day but I was particularly stressed if I remember correctly plus I have had the cold so hopefully it is down to that. I just wish I could stop worrying and go back to the 'way I used to be'. I have been so good after finishing my CBT but I seem to have fallen back into the spiral of worry again. Thank you for your support and I hope you are all right! :) x

09-12-10, 21:06
i find that i get alot of tingling in my hands and feet and very bad aching in my shouders and neck which sometimes goes to my arms, for me its down to tension as it always better when i get up in the morning after a good nights sleep, but throughout the day it builds up and gets at its worst by night. The worst ive had with the tingling creeping up my arms was just after my husband had a HA when i was extremely anxious.

Natalie x
09-12-10, 22:12
Hi. Thanks for your reply. I have gone into major panic mode now as i have started to get tingling in my finger tips. It started with one finger and now its in both hands. When i touch anything it feels like the feeling you get when you're in the shower when you're fingers go wrinkly. What if this is something bad? I dont even want to go to sleep x

Natalie x
09-12-10, 22:13
Please reply guys :weep: x