View Full Version : acid reflux swollen glands

05-12-10, 18:53
hi can any one with acid reflux tell me if there glands swell up as mines been up for months now still got sore throat most days docs just put me on some more tabs stronger than omeprazole i went to ent last yr they said i had acid reflux after i had a neck scan and a biopsy but im worried they have missed something i also have a cough that i think sets off my throat had a chest xray last wk all clear.

05-12-10, 19:39
About 3 years ago I had a sore throat for months and the glands in my neck were up - I went to the docs and she said it was just a reaccuring infection, this went on for about 3 - 4 months, glands are a big thing for me and I can always feel the ones in my neck. I also suffer from Acid relux.

As you've had a clear chest Xray I think you are fine - sometimes it takes a while for these viruses and bugs to get out of our systems!



05-12-10, 19:53
to be honest i don't know if they are glands or not they are just wear my tonsils were if i put my finger down my throat i can feel a bunch of they i had my tonsils out yrs ago. ent did say i had a inflammation in my throat some where they took a biopsy and said it was ok

05-12-10, 20:40
Sounds like glands - I have loads there just like you are describing.

Your're ok.
