View Full Version : Taking antidepressants - does anybody panic?

20-03-06, 12:38

Doctor has increased my amitriptyline to 40mg to help battle anxiety.

I do not like taking tablets but have given in to them as I have admitted to myself that I need them.

Does anybody else panic about taking them as I'm worried about future complications, which my doctor has said that amitriptyline is safe and not adictive.


20-03-06, 13:10
you are not alone there there are many of us who fear taking any kinds of meds because of side effects etc.

i chose herbal because of my great fear, but you have to way it all up for yourself. is the fear of the meds worse than the anxiety? is it worth the fear for a few days until you relax with them. remember that many thousands of people take these meds every day with out side effects or long term things

just do what makes you feel better

ps let me know how you get on but remember that you are not alone with this fear

20-03-06, 14:16
Tony, I can't take ANY meds at all because of my fear of side effects. I can just about do a small dose of paracetamol if absolutely necessary so you're DEFINITELY not alone on this one

Shiv x

20-03-06, 14:35

Same for me - I really cannot do meds apart from the odd painkiller if totally necessary.

You are not alone


20-03-06, 17:33
Hello Tony
I'm scared of any medication of any type - conventional or otherwise!! I even struggle to take my strong B and C vits and only take them now after reading loads on the internet and making sure I won't overdose or get side effects!! Still not managed to swallow my fish oils yet - working on that!
Strangly though, I can use homeopathy, have you tried that?
Take Care

20-03-06, 17:58
no your not alone hun. i get myself very worked up if have to take new meds. starts my panic attacks off once again. i try to tell my self that the doc knows what he is doing and i must need them.

as for the dependant on anti depressants im not sure. im on citalopram 20mg and i have cold turkey for 3day niow, this my worse day. withdraw symptoms. going back on them tonight. i think i just ready to come off them as took it apon myself and not my doctor. i would say when you are ready your body wont need them anymore so they wont be additive, well im hoping.

hope your ok hunny. luv sarah x


21-03-06, 08:58
Hiya tony
its not an easy desicion to make weather to take anti-depressants or not, its like saying ok... lets have some more panic isnt it... however i have taken them in the past and after a few weeks , everything was much better and calmer, and i felt a great relif.. felt like me again.
Not everyone gets symptoms love, and maybe hopefully you wont be one of those people, but you have to remember that the panicky feeling wont last forever and will soon subside if you do decide to take them...
Hard for me to answer an drug related post as i have a phobia of drugs... but i am even thinking of taking mine,serioulsy i am.


21-03-06, 12:27
I cannot take these kind of meds, I have been offered them many times by my GP but I have a fear of taking them. You are not alone.

22-03-06, 15:12
I have a fear also of taking medication.

I am on a beta blocker and xanax as needed. It took them forever to get me to take those, but anti depressants.. I will not try.

I tried effexor one day and that was anough.. the room was spinning.

You are not alone at all.. sometimes I wish I would go on an anti depressant.. I am so sick of being afraid, but one good thing is I gave up ALL stimulants and I have no panic attacks now.

22-03-06, 23:55

I understand how you feel but from the fact i over come that i can give you more positive advice. It helped me loads but dont get me wrong the first time and trying many others about 7 i could say i was a gibbering wreck and couldnt cope with them or life so my choice became limited. I tried citolapram again after trying ti before and feeling so ill i couldnt cope but mydoctor who i trusted gave me a small dose and i persevered and at the end of the day i can say it worked. Still on it now 3 years later, so it did help me loads but now just need to try and come of it and that i guess will be a different story.

Best of luck and if you need them dont abandon the fact you do. If you had a broken leg and needed pain killers would you question the prescripion, i doubt you would so look at it that way.,

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".