View Full Version : Worried About Water Infection

Sarah Louise
05-12-10, 23:02
Hey guys,

I went doctors last Monday as had water works problems she tested my urine and she said i had Traces of blood and white cells which scared me to death.

She gave me anti biotics and sen me on my way. I finshed the course on Friday but today the same feelings are coming back and i worried it hasn't gone and wondering why?

05-12-10, 23:35
I always have blood in my urine! and protein too at times.

The next time they test it it is all ok.

Are they going to retest your urine?

06-12-10, 09:15
A water infection is known as a urinary tract infection or cystitis, and is defined as an infection of the bladder. Many people are suffering in the water infection and with a simple urine test, you can have the condition diagnosed and get appropriate treatment.

Hazel B
06-12-10, 11:37
I had this for a couple of months earlier in the year. Sometimes it takes a while for the right antibiotics to work, you may need a broader spectrum antibiotic. Also, drink lots of water, stop using perfumed soap and shower gels, wear cotton pants and wipe front to back.

Hope you feel better soon.

06-12-10, 15:57
Hi Sarah. I'm somewhat of an expert on bladder infections because I get them a LOT. :cry:
Anti biotics can clear up an infection in one go, however there are a few reasons why you might be getting symptoms of an infection again. Firstly some of the bacteria is resistant to certain anti biotics, your GP should have sent away your sample to test which bacteria was causing the problems. I've had the same, where the meds seemed to help, but didnt clear it up and ended up on a different type.
Secondly, there could be an external factor that is causing you to get another infection. Anti biotics can give you thrush, and for some reason thrush gives me bladder infections. So it's worthwhile checking down below to see if that is the cause.
I suggest drinking barley squash or cranberry juice. Wearing cotton knickers, no thongs and loose fitting trousers or skirts for a few days. Try to drink as much as you can and go to the loo when you need to, don't hold it.
I find that getting a bit of loo roll and running it under the cold tap and then putting it near the urethra helps to get rid of the awful burning pain.
Hope this helps!

06-12-10, 19:43
Is this the first time you have ever had your water tested with those dip sticks the Drs use???? I have leaky kidneys that work perfectly but always leak blood and protein - I have bigger than normal filters on my kidneys that let things through or so I have been told. I have never ever had a urine dip stick test without it being positive for blood and protein as this is normal for me so to diagnose an infection I always need to have a sample sent for analysis and up to now always infection free. I have terrible time with routine tests and if I am ever in A&E as they can't believe me when I expalin everything and I always have to have a sample sent away. A urologist told me the worst thing ever invented from his point of view was those xxxx test sticks!

Hazel B
06-12-10, 20:08
I had 5 dipstick tests showing blood and white cells and 3 negative bacteria tests. Still had the symptoms for ages, was referred to a urologist who told me that anxiety makes it worse!

Hope you feel better.

06-12-10, 20:39
Cannot believe I am reading this post! I have just done a sample at my doctors today to be sent away for testing. Not sure if my symptoms are the same as yours but I am having pressure when I urinate and sometimes struggling to make it to the toilet in time :ohmy:
Everytime I have the dip stick test it shows blood is present in my urine but no infection is ever found. I'm worried sick what this could be, will get my results on Thursday. Let me know how you get on.

Sarah Louise
07-12-10, 11:41
Hi everyone,

Doctors just called me and said i have Ecoli in my urine?? what the hell is that?? They said i have to go back and some stronger anti biotics because it could spread to my kidneys and can be damaging :ohmy: Anyone have this before?

I have been drinking loads of water and barley and i have done alot of what vixxy has mentioned will it go and is it bad?

07-12-10, 11:49
Hi Sarah, e coli is a bacteria that lives in the intestines and sometimes you can accidentally get it into your bladder. I had an e coli UTI a few months ago. The reason you need particular antibiotics is that e coli infection has become resistant to some, eg amoxycillin, so they don't work. Please don't worry, it's common and an antibiotic like trimethoprin, nitrofurantoin or cephalexin will sort it out in a few days x

Sarah Louise
07-12-10, 11:56
Brilliant i have been really worried about it thankyou x

09-12-10, 11:34
One course of cephalexin later ... latest sample shows I still have a UTI :mad:. Although in a way I'm glad it is a UTI and not just irritable bladder playing up.