View Full Version : Unexpected reappearance of my dreaded fears.

05-12-10, 23:10

I'm relatively new here, i have been on Propononol for almost a fortnight now and i was feeling happier since my doc put me on it because i had never had a racing heart, chest pains and headaches again.

Until today, that is.

I didn't manage to get any sleep last night and i was feeling more anxious than usual. Then, later on today, i made the mistake of going online to check on some symptoms i haven't managed to shake off in a few weeks (i won't get anyone else nervous by going into the details of what i read on the web; suffice to say, its concerning my pulse that i can feel all over my body).
The horror stories i read made me regret going online and not waiting for my doctor's appointment on friday; i came off of the net, but i couldn't get my mind off of it. Then it all began again; the chest pain, the palpitations, and the splitting headache. And then i began to panic even more, because i worried "is the beta blocker not working for me anymore, is my body getting used to it? But if i try to come off of it won't my heart get worse?!"
I keep thinking now that its not anxiety disorder i am suffering from, that there is really genuinely something wrong with my pulse and heart. But 2 doctors both insist it is all due to bad anxiety i have and point out that my symptoms are affected by my mood. But when you are suffering these symptoms it seems so unlikely to me that simple anxiety can do that; after all, its only a normal human emotion we all experience in life, isn't it? Why does anxiety - so they say it is anyway - affect me so badly? At my worst moments with these symptoms i thought my body would pack in if i fell asleep or something, i know its not rational but when you suffer them at the time you can't help but worry like that.

So, tonight, i'm almost back to how bad i was 2 weeks ago :weep: even though i thought the medication was helping me from hitting rock bottom as far as my symptoms are concerned, the symptoms that worry me to death that an undiagnosed illness is lurking within me and biding its time...