View Full Version : Girls only thread please!

05-12-10, 23:27
Hey everyone, well, I'm a little worried over this but I've noticed a small , weird feeling lump just inside my flap to my vagina but in the middle of the small vaginal area . I thought it had dissappeared, but turns out it hasnt. I dont know if it is normal and meant to be there or not, because I've never freaked over anything I've noticed until my anxiety got worse on me. Its also hurting a bit down in the area, but that only started today and its kind of all around the area as well as it feeling like my insides are going to fall out from there, a feeling which I only get usually when I have my monthly which isnt due until Friday.It cant be anything too serious because I'm not sexually active, but its worrying me, anyone have any ideas on this? It would be much aprreicated if anyone could help, I'd go to the doctor, but my doctors male and it would be a little embarressing I think.

blue moon
05-12-10, 23:32
Hi Krystal.
i have a male doctor,i think you should go,after all they do see a lot worse don't be embarressed it should be looked at.Take Care
Petra xx:flowers:

06-12-10, 00:26
I sometimes find males can be more helpful with these things, more understanding I think.. Not true for all doctors as my gp's female and she's very helpful but sometimes I find females are a lot less helpful!.. Let him know you are embarrassed and he should help - my legs often shake when they are 'checking things' ; tolld my gp and she calmed me down lol. Honest, they have seen it all before :-) and Im sure you could ask to see a female instead? If the drs a bloke theres usually a female there too for security.. good luck xx

06-12-10, 00:41
Okay, my apologies for tresspassing a restricted posting, but what you most likely have is merely a Bartholin cyst. The Bartholin gland serves to provide lubrication and can sometimes become enflamed and secretions restricted. Several treatments are available, all of which can be performed in an office setting.

It is not a condition that would suggest anything oncological or otherwise pose a risk.

Incidentally, the practice of medicine is not associated with the type of emotional elements many patients believe to exist. Therefore, embarrassment in this context while understandable, would be entirely unwarranted. We've observed and experienced patient presentations regarding clinical medicine that make your own particular circumstances quite pale by comparison.

You'll be fine. Select the doctor of choice and present yourself for evaluation. The problem will be resolved promptly.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.) . . . . male.

06-12-10, 01:59
aw please don't worry!! I some times get spots down there, you know the ones that are filled with pus... yuck, I also get hard spots down there that take a while to go away and in the same place as you.
it's sounds just like the RLR says, I also had mine examined by Doctor, can't remember what she said but she did say they are harmless and normal.

06-12-10, 04:27
Thanks for the replys so far everyone. And its OK if boys come into the thread, I only said that to warn boys in case this stuff makes them umcomortable :). I'm pretty sure its proberly nothing as like I said, I'm not sexually active, but it can still be worrying.