View Full Version : trouble sleeping

06-12-10, 02:55
Each time i start to fall asleep something wakes me up with a jolt and panic. Anyone know how to help this? so tired!! thanks x

06-12-10, 03:00
Sounds daft, but I was told to read a few pages and have a milky drink. It settles me down and falling asleep seems easier, and I wake up less. dont know if it genuinely helps or its a placebo effect keeping me calmer at the thought. But its worth a try :)

06-12-10, 08:58
Do you feel like your hearts stopped? Or that you've stopped breathing? Or perhaps a warm feeling goes through you or you jerk? If so you'll find a lot of us are going through that right now.

06-12-10, 09:05
The other one I've heard about is to have something with sugar in it just before going to bed, even if it's only a biscuit. Evidently sugar relaxes us and will help sleep.

06-12-10, 09:07
I would have thought sugar would have made the problem worse as it stimulates?

06-12-10, 09:15
I can't remember where I've seen this, but I know I read it somewhere. It certainly works on me and definitely helps me get to sleep, but I suppose it depends on metabolism etc.?

06-12-10, 09:20
Now a days the problem for sleep is big in all age people and everyone take medicine for that. Here are some tips for sleep well such as stick to a schedule, and don't sleep late on weekends, sleep only at night, avoid caffeine and nicotine and do exercise.

06-12-10, 13:54
I use rescue remedy, the night time one - works for me.xxx

06-12-10, 19:34
Hi there, i get this quite often and its so terrifying for me, what i get is like just as im falling asleep i "jerl" awake with a start sometimes gasping for air at the same time, very scary!!! often leaves me in tears for a few hours, my doctor tells me its a "hypnic jerk" and is harmless and normal!!! Which has reasured me but not 100%.

ive copied some info from the net for you, i hope it helps!!!

Hypnic jerks are usually felt once or twice per night. More regular, and usually less intense, hypnic jerks often occur during normal sleep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep). In extreme cases, however, this is classified as a disorder called periodic limb movement (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodic_limb_movement). People with the disorder usually sleep through these events.
When a subject is deprived of sleep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deprived_of_sleep) and is trying to fight sleep, hypnic jerks can sometimes occur more frequently. This normally happens to subjects who have deprived themselves of sleep for longer than 24 hours, or to those who have recently awakened after insufficient sleep.