View Full Version : Zoloft Withdrawl Plz Help if can. xxx

06-12-10, 08:23
:DMorning Everyone, i havnt posted on here in a long time i dont think. I kind of forgot i had signed up..probs cause the majority of the time i walk around in an utter total daze :0(. Anyway i am on Sertraline 200mg tablets (Zoloft is the brand name). I suffer with panic attacks, anxiety, depression, and agrophobia. Although funnily enough i can go out of the house when had an alcoholic drink!!..so going to a pub funnily enough i can do..as i drink to mask my irrational fears! Not good i know especially when on medication! Hence i dont go out that often as i would be a raving and jibbering drunk! I have home counselling and my counsellor is great, however i have been back to my doctors as i think i may possibly be suffering with bipolar..am awaiting back to get referred to a physchiatric. My tablets im on make me feel like an utter zombie, and ok yes they numb me and maybe help a little but i thought to myself i cant carry on in this zombie like state. So i tried to come off them. BIG MISTAKE!!! This morning i am an utter jibbering..nervous wreck :0( I cant breathe...i was having the most vivid nightmares..im hallucinating..not as in seeing pink elephants lol.. but seeing things that arnt they if you get me. Im shaking with chills as if im withdrawing of herion or something..and i feel like im going totally mad :(. My chest actually hurts as i feel my heart is trying to work overtime..and i feel like im going to have a heart attack..and god dont talk to me about electric shocks, and tingling :(. It has only been 2 days that i havnt taken them..and what an idiot i am to try and come off like this. So ive took my dose now..because i cant cope with feeling so bad. I know your meant to wean yourself off them but when i was on a lower dose of sertraline i felt really low all the time.. as if they wernt working. At least i guess 200mg kind of numbs me a bit. However in hind sight.. maybe i am on the total wrong meds.. i mean what if i am bipolar?..maybe thats why i act quite manic. Well i say quite thats an understatement of the year! Shopping sprees online.. and running up £10k of debt in 6 months..swinging from high to low some times weekly sometimes.. daily sometimes monthly. I am all over the place. Anyway enough waffling.. i just want to know if anyone has been in the same boat as me..have you tried to withdraw like this? Has anyone discovered they are bipolar? etc. Feel free to mail me aswell as waffling alot i am a great listener etc.. and all advice and support is really welcome. Lv n hugs Tracie. xx

06-12-10, 09:30
Hi Tracie

It can be hard work to come sertraline suddenly as it can cause all sorts of nasty symptoms, which by the sound of it, you're getting. I would go back to your GP and ask him/her about how to do it slowly as then you won't suffer so much. If you do get diagnosed as bipolar, it's very likely that you'll get put on other medication to try and control it properly.

06-12-10, 09:37
Hi Blueangel, Thank you for your reply. :) I am sat at home in my bedroom..door locked..like a bloody shivering wreck, waiting for my doctor to phone as i have a telephone consultation. So im going to discuss things with her. Its awful feeling like this..i wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. Tracie. xx