View Full Version : Please help me!

06-12-10, 11:39
I keep driving myself nuts with this, so could really do with some kind advice.. Latley iv been feeling like im going confused, or shall i say insane :weep:... When i go to type something on the computer i go to lots of other different letters, for instance i want to write Jimmy.. But i kept going to p and f ?? Does this make sense :wacko: Iv been feeling like shit this past week, and its probably due to me NOT taking my medication, silly i no, but im 21 weeks pregnant and dont want to harm my baby.. I cant stop crying all the time, i feel very down, hopeless and scared im having some kind of memerory loss, or madness state..

06-12-10, 12:31
you wont hurt your baby we all get bad times but thay do go and things get better cherr up god bless

06-12-10, 12:39
Hey hun

I know this sounds like the hardest and irresponsible thing to do but you really have to totally IGNORE these ideas about your mental fog. Its just hormones and preganancy and stress and nothing to worry about.

Dont give it the attention that its demanding....just force yourself to think happy and nice things. Ae you excited about your new baby?

Babys are the ultimate anxiety distraction!! they are fab..... and they just get cuter and cuter every day!!!

You have sooooooo much to look forward to I promise!!


06-12-10, 12:54
Hiya Sammie

You're certainly not going mad at all... and you've answered your own question.

You've stopped taking your medication so that with throw you a bit and you are pregnant.... your hormones will be in 'mummy madness' mode.:hugs:

When I was pregnant (and luckily not suffering from any anxiety or anything) I was all over the place, happy one minute, weepy the next etc etc.

It got to be a bit of a joke in our house too and everyone always reminds me of the daft things I used to do when I was pregnant......like putting the selotape in the fridge and milk in the 'bits and bobs' cupboard. We found the selotape pretty quickly but the milk stayed in the cupboard unnoticed for nearly a week UNTIL WE SMELT AN ODD SMELL.

I used to go to the shops and forget what I'd gone for.... invite friends round then forget they were coming and I'd go out....sent my aunty a birthday card when it was 4 months away from her birthday... ooooh I could go on and on. Concentration and normality had definatly gone for me :roflmao:

All down to mainly changing hormones, but also being tired, excited, worried and mind being 'elsewhere' most of the time. Once I got past 6 months I seem to get my brain cell back.

Don't worry you are just like every other 'soon to be' mum.... try and laugh at every daft little thing you do.. everyone else will... and better still you have an excuse for doing it :yesyes:

06-12-10, 13:28
great reply dizz, i couldnt of said it any different as i was just the same, i was all over place when i was pregnant, my now 2 year old is a massive help with anxiety as try not to let it stop me with her, even though sometimes it does, but i was suffering with health anxiety when pregnant you tend to put every ache pain down to being pregnant.... time goes so fast though just try and distract yourself sammie then you wont notice the little things that you do that might seem strange or out of normal even though they are... take care and enjoy x