View Full Version : Anyone else like this and how to get out of it?

06-12-10, 12:11
For months now my health anxiety has gotten worse, constant worry and checking and disbelieving that there is nothing wrong, but i feel gloomy and irritable 95% of the time, i cannot put health anxiety to the back of my mind and enjoy anything. There are lots of thing i want to do and enjoy but cannot get past this worry, i fell im missing out on so much especially with xmas coming up. Has anyone managed to find a way of getting over this feeling? All i want to do is get on with things and smile again and stop thinking about what ifs all the time.

06-12-10, 12:46

its horrible isnt it. The trick is to not try to stop the nagging doubt but to stop interacting with it..if that makes sense.

You need to turn down the volume on it day by day bit by bit . Before you know it it will hardly be there and normal life will be 'louder' if you like. By turning down the volume I mean...when the anxiety strikes....resist resist the urge to react to it. I mean by that the checking, ressurance seeking , googling , even thinking about it. Its like a craving , if you ever stopped smoking or went on a diet you might know what I mean. Do what ever you can to distract yourself and relax yourself until you feel a bit more in control.......

Im so much better for knowing this. I had sessions with psychologist and thats the gist of what he taught me about anxiety. There is a scientific biological thing behind this working....its to do with the part of your brain that alerts us to danger and it needing reprogrammed !!


06-12-10, 14:30
hi amandy1979 i could have wrote this myself i feel just like you i feel i cant enjoy anything and health worries are always there in the front of my mind i have bought a book im reading at the moment its called Its called its not all in your head written by Gordon Asmundson and Steven taylor i bought mine at amazon on line it tells you all you need to know about health anxiety why some people get it and how we can help ourselves to get better i honestly know how you feel you can post me anytime you want to talk x

06-12-10, 20:54
Thanks for both replies, i will look into that book, and i had never thought about dealing with anxiety like stopping smoking, i stopped smoking a couple of years ago so i know what you mean about dampening down the thoughts until they disappear.

06-12-10, 23:48
Hi - sounds a lot like me too - I just want to feel happy again and normal - I seem to have so many niggling "anxiety symptoms" I cant remember the last time I felt 100%
Sometimes Im so distracted I dont take in what my hubby is saying or if its not that important Ill tell him to shut up! lol I just cant be doing with light small talk - and yes it is spoiling this time of year but I always seem to get bad around xmas - I buy the kids pressies and in the back of my mind Im thinking - gosh I hope im still here to see them open them!! My birthday is in jan too so I know that after xmas comes another year older for me too :weep:
Hope you pick up soon, I had appointment with phsyc doctor on tuesday but was cancelled because of bloody snow!!! aaaagh!! And hubby on night shift this week which is my worst weeks!
Sorry if ive not helped but just offloaded - oops! Just joined this forum today and cant believe how many people same as me!
Hugs x