View Full Version : I feel nauseous and I'm scared

20-03-06, 12:52
Can anxiety really make you feel sick. I've got a cold etc and have been feeling sick for about 3 days (big deal!). I have read that it can just be anxiety but I am getting myself so wound up. I made the big mistake of looking on the cancer uk website and of course I have got stomach cancer. I just need some reassurance. I am determined not to go rushing down to the doctors because they will just tell me its nothing and I know it is but I can't stop these scary thoughts. Help!

20-03-06, 13:05
yes anxiety can definitely make you feel sick. i have had a bad cold for 1 week and have had no break from the kids so it is lingering. the nausea has been there too.

i know the nausea is a combination of the anxiety and the cold. i am often feeling sick with this horrible anxiety so try not to worry. have you read claire weekes book on the symptoms of nervous disorders l;ike ours

20-03-06, 13:14

Anxiety can make you feel sick it happened to me i too thought there was something wrong, the sickness will go try not to worry your not on your own with this.

linda xx

21-03-06, 10:38

Iv been feeling sick for weeks now. I did restart my anti d's weeks ago and i know its one of the side effects.

However when i took them last year i dont remember feeling this sick, which of course got me thinking that is something else and its serious.

I am sure its worse because i am thinking about it all the time. The first thing i do in the morning is think am i gonna feel sick today. Then of course i end up feeling sick for the rest of the day

mandie x

21-03-06, 14:31
Thats exactly what I do too. The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is think - how am I? Am I feeling sick? - and then I do. I just get so fed up with myself sometimes.

22-03-06, 03:47
stomach cancer makes more then nausea do you have very dark blood coming out when you have a bowell movment that can be a very big sighn for cancer of the stomach i know what you mean i have nausea all the time but mine is caued from axiety and ibs..

Silly Blonde
22-03-06, 11:21
When I was first diagnosed with health anxiety about a year ago - I had been feeling terribly sick and not eating for about 2 months. As soon as I started my anti depressants and started my "talking" therapy, the nausea went away.

I too had convinced myself that I was dying, I still do it now whenever I get "symptoms", but I keep telling myself that there can't be anything seriously wrong because things like that don't just come and go!!

My cat died last August and although I didn't think I was anxious at the time, about a week later I started to feel terribly sick again..!

Its incredible how many symptoms can be caused or made worse by simple anxiety..I still struggle to accept it.

23-03-06, 00:10

It can and i konw how bad it feels. Here for you if you want ot pm me.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

23-03-06, 16:35
Thanks for all your replies. I do feel a bit better now. I am just ultra sensitive at the moment and I know that the slightest thing is going to set me off. I am trying the distraction method as if I dont think about it I am not aware of it. Hopefully I am on the way up.