View Full Version : First day back at work after 7 weeks off

06-12-10, 13:55
Hi all

Well today was my first day back to work after having 7 weeks off with depression / anxiety. Oh my god what a disaster.... i only did 10am til 1pm and by 11am i nearly went home, all day i have had rushes of panic and adrenaline running my body, i sat with my manager most of the time i was there crying, and has left me feeling pretty crap now, but i suppose me doing the 3 hours is something.... just hope i can do better tomorrow xxx

06-12-10, 13:59
Hi, I would just like to say well done for managing to actually go back to work! You will have been more sensitive to everything after being off and it will take a while to adjust to it again. You did very well to manage the 3 hours without going home and I hope you get on well!

06-12-10, 14:01
Hey Jen

You need to focus on the good things-you went back to work! That is brilliant an you should be really proud of yourself. You also said that you could have gone home at 11 but stayed until 1.00. I think this is a sucess story and not something to feel sad about.
I am trying really hard to get myself to go back to work at the moment but it terrifies me.
You need to go back tomorrow and do it again but be proud of yourself this time!! xx

06-12-10, 14:14
Hi Jen

Good for you, never mind the bad bits work and build on the positive parts. Other than the anxiety issue going back to work after seven weeks is bad enough. I work in a secondary school and even without anxiety going back after the summer holidays is a drag but after a few days things get easier and I would imagine it will be similar for you. :)

06-12-10, 14:25
Well done from me as well - that's a real achievement.

06-12-10, 17:58
Hey Jen,

First Day back after 7 weeks was always going to be very tough, but you know what you've done it! Give yourself congratulations for that Jen, because you could of gave in at 11am, but you didn't, you beat the anxiety today. Brillant Stuff!


06-12-10, 18:02
Well done Jen!!!! You did brilliantly! xxx

06-12-10, 18:59
Thanks all guys really makes me feel better.... i have felt funny all day tho, had to take half a diazepam at 3.30 today to try and calm me down....

Lets hope tomorrow is a better day xxx

07-12-10, 14:33
Day 2 at work.... Well i went to bed and i think i had about 3 hours in total sleep kept tossing and turning, then when it was time to get up, i just had the fear of dread run though me and panic racing heart and crying, just didnt want to get up.... but i did!!

Got my kids ready and before i left i took half a diazepam..... felt okish at work, but still very panicky and more depressed today, feels like something holding me down on my chest..... i can't believe this i was doing greatly, and now i feel like im back at square one again.... I have been on Citalopram now for 8 weeks..... do you guys think i went back to work to soon?? i worry as i can't afford to be off work any longer, and its ruining my relationship with my partner, he is getting stressed and worried too


mr badger
07-12-10, 17:35
Sounds to me as though today was better than yesterday. It's bound to be a rough re-entry back to work. Concentrate on what you do well and be patient with yourself.

07-12-10, 17:38
Well I still think you are doing great! The hardest thing it to get yourself to go back in each day and you have done that twice now! It is always going to be hard at first but you just need to keep going and it will start getting easier soon.
I think you should be really proud of yourself xx

08-12-10, 00:22
i think you've done REALLY REALLY well!

can u pin point what makes u anxious or is it just there?

just thinking u could do some CBT worksheets round them 2night?

but good on you!!! xx

08-12-10, 00:31
Well done for going back to work. It will probably take a while to get back into it so u mite have a few blips along the way

mandie xx

STE 77
08-12-10, 17:12
Day 2 at work.... Well i went to bed and i think i had about 3 hours in total sleep kept tossing and turning, then when it was time to get up, i just had the fear of dread run though me and panic racing heart and crying, just didnt want to get up.... but i did!!

Got my kids ready and before i left i took half a diazepam..... felt okish at work, but still very panicky and more depressed today, feels like something holding me down on my chest..... i can't believe this i was doing greatly, and now i feel like im back at square one again.... I have been on Citalopram now for 8 weeks..... do you guys think i went back to work to soon?? i worry as i can't afford to be off work any longer, and its ruining my relationship with my partner, he is getting stressed and worried too


Hi Jen

Same thing happened to me last week, Ive been off for about 4 and a half months and had to get back because I needed the money. I couldnt stop worrying about goin back and only slept for about 2 hours! The first couple of hours in work were horrible but eventually I settled down. The next day was the same but this time I couldn't calm down and had to fight with the anxiety all day to prevent a panic attack, but when I got home it all came out!

I didn't do reduced hours though I went back as normal, I work from 8am till 7pm, 4 day shifts. I only went back for 2 days and couldn't do the rest of the shift. But now that Ive been there I now know there wasn't anything to worry about so Im not as anxious as last time! Im going back in on Tuesday and I honestly believe the more you keep goin back the easier it gets and eventually it will be second nature to us again and you'll wonder what you ever worried about in the first place!!! :winks:

If you need a chat give us a shout!

08-12-10, 21:27
Hiya well done for going back be kind to yourself and be proud you went in. I know when i have taken time for a period of time due to stress it was so hard for me to go back to work but i did and i felt better for it. tc