View Full Version : I.B.S or I.B.D (Crohns/Ulcerative Collitis)

06-12-10, 17:06
FAO people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease's such as Crohn's Disease & Ulcerative Collitis.

Which one do you think i could have? My Digestive problems are:-

*Abdominal Pain (Central abdominal pain, sometimes upper & lower.), Lower back pain, Pains in the sides.

*Blood in the stools occasionally
*Bad bloating
*Breathing feels affected.

Thank you.

06-12-10, 17:14
Hi Eggy

I have IBS and suffer with all of the above. I have had this for 16 years now, sometimes I can go for months without a symptom and then i'll get them all back again.

I used to worry as I would break out in a cold sweat when I got the cramps and would almost be sick - its a pain that not much more is known about it really

Hope you are ok.


06-12-10, 17:44
eggy hi, me to, all the same,but i have pain in hips and groin as well but i have had piles for 20 yrs ,ibs for 4yrs and ha for 6yrs, i go a few wks i am ok then bang my ha starts it off, my nethew has crohns found it in his blood he can/t eat sweetcorn or some veg but other wise he/s ok, my ibs is now a lot better because my ha is coming down, been bloated this wk a lot ,so cutting down on the bread i hope this helps,every body is diffrent i have put on 3 stone with it there was a article i read on the web it was called the real cause of ibs, and they put it down to parasites, so i am doing a anty parasite, with herbs, this may help me , hope you feel better atb steve ps its not very nice i know, but we have to live with it ,take care

06-12-10, 18:36
Thanks for the replies, My GP could have diagnosed me with I.B.S along time ago if i have it so i don't understand why they are trying to make other people do their dirty work?

06-12-10, 18:39
Eggy you already have a post on IBS........... :blush:

i love tea
06-12-10, 23:53
Thanks for the replies, My GP could have diagnosed me with I.B.S along time ago if i have it so i don't understand why they are trying to make other people do their dirty work?

IBS can only be diagnosed by ruling out other conditions first - that's why you're being sent to see a consultant. You keep being negative about your GP, but you have so many wide-ranging symptoms, I'm sure any doctor would be confused. You're also being sent to an ENT consultant, so you should be pleased your doctor is being thorough.

07-12-10, 02:03
IBS can only be diagnosed by ruling out other conditions first - that's why you're being sent to see a consultant. You keep being negative about your GP, but you have so many wide-ranging symptoms, I'm sure any doctor would be confused. You're also being sent to an ENT consultant, so you should be pleased your doctor is being thorough.

I couldn't agree more.....

I was diagnosed with IBS by my GP 10 years ago, just by her pressing on my colon which she could feel was spasming, and from my other symptoms which predominantly was long running left side pain over that area of my colon, though I have to say, NOTHING was ruled out for me, it was a straight diagnosis there and then.

I should have been so lucky to see a consultant!!!!!!:mad:

07-12-10, 09:15
I have all those symptoms with my ibs, thats not to say they are not symptoms of other conditions. Only your doctor can tell you the answer.

From what i remember of some of your previous posts, you dont always go into your doctor telling them all your symptoms and then you wonder why the doctor cannot diagnose you etc

07-12-10, 16:04
My Dr told me that crohns and ulcerative colitis would give you abnormal blood results for inflammation together with bloody diarrhea - that why they need to do a scope if you have these results to find out which one it is.

07-12-10, 18:15
I have Crohn's and it was diagnosed with a sigmoidoscopy and a biopsy. I did not have abnormal blood tests though I did have bad bleeding piles and had constant diarrhea.

I do have IBS as well.

07-12-10, 19:23
I have ulcerative colitis. This was diagnosed via sigmoidoscopy and biopsy. If you have IBD it will be clear on these tests.
You should NOT have bleeding with IBS. I was diagnosed with this before the IBD, so know the difference. IBS is the spasming of an otherwise healthy colon. IBD involves an inflammed colon (hence the bleeding). You might have bleeding from another cause, such as piles, but not from IBS itself.

07-12-10, 22:18
It's hard to know what is going on but I did have raised ESR Levels, My GP is re-checking my ESR Levels on Monday to see if it has gone up as I have more stomach pain.

I am having a full blood count done on Monday.

07-12-10, 22:28
My Dr told me that crohns and ulcerative colitis would give you abnormal blood results for inflammation together with bloody diarrhea - that why they need to do a scope if you have these results to find out which one it is.

My ESR Levels were raised which is obviously Inflammation but that test was done in October, I am having it checked again next week.

07-12-10, 23:04
I thought when you went to the DR the first time for the rectal bleeding he said it was piles ? could he see them ? or was it just a guess ? sue

07-12-10, 23:23
I thought when you went to the DR the first time for the rectal bleeding he said it was piles ? could he see them ? or was it just a guess ? sue

No they examined me and said things seemed ok but the Gastroentrologist would want to look into that as well.

07-12-10, 23:27
Piles has never been mentioned.

07-12-10, 23:31
eggy i replied to one of your other posts here...


07-12-10, 23:35
Yes I would think you would get a thorough check in all areas .Diverticulitis is something else they will be able to detect .It has similar symptoms to IBS ..but is an inflammatory condition unlike IBS .It can cause bleeding from the rectum . sue

07-12-10, 23:40

I had ulcerative colitis, i don't have it anymore as i had to have my colon removed as the damage was so bad.

The pain is severe, with constant bloody loose stools. I felt like i was dying most days. My diagnosis took too long as they didn't know what was wrong with me, had lots of scopes done and colopscopy's but this didn'nt really show anything. In the end the pain got so bad that i went to a&e, i had a ridiculously high temperature and had a seriously low blood count due to the loss of blood. When i had an xray that's when they knew i had ulcerative colitis. I was only 15, but it is quite rare in young people that's why i think they just presume it's IBS.

Glad you are seeing a consultant, best to be on the safe side with these things.
