View Full Version : Can't see light at the end of the tunnel

06-12-10, 23:03
I've suffered from panic disorders and anxiety my entire life. It's only in my adulthood that I've experienced depression because of it.

Even writing this is an effort. I have no work or friends. My family live in another state. I just can't find anything positive in my life at the moment. I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's never felt this bad before. For now I shall wallow in self pity and darkness.

There is nothing that will lift my mood. I don't even have the energy to go to a doctor and get happy pills.

Please tell me there are others that feel this way.

Thanks for reading.

07-12-10, 00:40

I can safely assure you that there are other who feel this way.... i'm one of them.
Unfortunately i can't offer you any advice on how to feel better, because if i had any advice i wouldn't be on the same boat.

No work myself either. I have one friend left out of them all (you'll find that "friends" have a habit of disappearing or being less easy to get a hold of as time goes on when they find out you have depression; thats my experience, anyway).
I have one old friend left i have known for over 10 years.... however even he is beginning to be more and more noticable by his absence.... my mindset is such as the moment that i am considering engineering a fall out between us so that i just get to amputate him out of my life cleanly, quickly and just get the inevitable process over and done with.

What keeps me going? No idea really! Just am still here!

You should go give the doc a try though.... he isn't any use for me, but he may be able to help you. Give it a go, you have nothing to lose!

Nigel H
07-12-10, 18:20
Superfreaky ..... I'm sorry to hear that you feel like that .... I would suggest you seek out a Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyŽ who would be able to help you.

The Time Line Therapy Association is based in the USA, so you can look them up perhaps, or contact them via the website


It's perfectly possible to get things dealt with - you need to hear that and take some action to help yourself. Simply, no-one else can DO it for you ... but others can enable you to get past those old problems and move on. :yesyes:

07-12-10, 22:17
DearSuperfreaky to understand your post is to understand the true essence of depressive illness. You state that there is no light at the end of the tunnel because that is the depressed part of yourself talking . You have isolated yourself from others and feel that the future is hopelsss or worthless. In order to become well again you need to step out of yourself and try to visualise yourself in a month or six months time. It is always baby steps in recovery from depression. Going to the doctors will help. It means that you have acknowledged that you are ill. I'm not sure what happens in the States but he might prescribe drugs or therapy or both.? Try doing one small thing that you enjoy/used to enjoy a day and see how you feel? Talk to others about how you are feeling or failing that write it down. Inside you have the capacity to become well again even if you don't believe it at the moment. Humans have great capacities to heal themselves emotionally but you will need help and support to do it. Believe me I have done this many many times. EJ.

07-12-10, 23:21

13-12-10, 18:23
I felt like that for 6 weeks ,i decided to see my gp ,who sent me to see a phsciatrist.I am on a lot of tablets but they do help and things are getting better,i feel a lot brighter and will get better b ecause i want my life back.Please see your doctor ,they are there to help.

13-12-10, 18:31
For now I shall wallow in self pity and darkness.

I know these feelings too. But you're not wallowing in self-pity. The critical voice that says that is your depression having a go at you. I listened to that same voice for far too long. You're just unwell, like having a cold, try to get the treatment you need. :hugs:


13-12-10, 19:23
i am not working myself, i have been alone most of my 43yrs of my life, but know i have friends, and you do have friends to all of us ,you got to pull your self out of the darkness buy tighing a rope to the light so you cant fall into the darkness ,and you must fight ,fight and fight it, do not give up my friend you can do it just take small steps at a time the first step look in the mirror and smile and laugh lol do it each day ,atvb steve