View Full Version : Im New

06-12-10, 23:55
Hey i'm mork and im new here, ive been suffering from waht my doctors, family, friends and girlfriend all call anxiety, ive seen my GP 4 times, ive been in A&E 5-6 times with panic attacks and im on propranolol beta blockers for anxiety and i see a counciller every monday to help me deal with it.

Its a fear of death that sets of my anxiety and every day i fear for my life.

everything sets me off, for example, today in my first class of the day my friend slapped me on both sides of my head, it wasnt hard but from that very second i worried, now i have a head ache and a heavy head, granted i havent been sleepin well for months, so could be lack of sleep, i just feel so helpless, im worried of brain injury from today and i dont sleep cause im scared of not waking up. ive only been sufeering liike this for about 4 months now and was just wonderinf what people thought of my predicement.

any and all help is apreciated.

All the best. Mork.

07-12-10, 00:04
oh forgot to mention that my fears general stem from head related incidents, however, aerosol and chemical related subjects also affect me

07-12-10, 00:12
oh and about a month or 2 ago i had a CT scan that was arraneg to try and stop my anxieties, the scan came back clear

Going home
07-12-10, 00:30
Hi Mork and welcome. You sound like you have health anxiety issues so don't be afraid because you're in the right place and you will find that alot of other members have this too, and it can impact on life alot. Its not easy to be rational with this but with time and alot reassurence (and one or two tests along the way) you may find that it gets less.

Anna xx

07-12-10, 00:33
hey, thanks for the reply :), im only just 18 so ive got lots going on in my life with uni and what not and its all not helping, the reason i joined here is for the support of other members, i can rest easier after your reply, though im still going to be worrying about today, its just how i am.
thanx for the message, much appreciated.
all the best. mork.

07-12-10, 00:52
Hey Mork.

Don't worry, I've had anxiety since I was 14.

As you say, you've lots going on at the moment so that's not going to help for a start!

First of all let's look logically at your fears!

Your friend slapped you round the head (some friend). The reason for your headache I would say is more contributed to your lack of sleep over the months rather than the physical discomfort you experienced today. Also, your tension would/could be a factor in this. Further investigation on this website will tell you that a major contribution to anxiety is lack of sleep and therefore as a sufferer for over 40 years I would very strongly advise you to start sleeping sensible hours on a regular basis. You know deep inside that you will wake up as naturally as you fall asleep.

You say that a lot of your fears are head related incidents and that chemical related subjects affect you. To be honest Mork, they affect everybody because it is an unatural substance as oppose to natural.

I have also had a CT scan (as well as every other scan, xray, ultrasound, invasive cameras, blood test, urine tests etc) including so many visits to A and E in the past 18 months, they now think I have a nurse fetish!

The problem with anxiety is that it will mimick every other form of illness, both mild and severe. Your scan will be good news as far as your health is concerned. Bare in mind that even though it's just anxiety, anxiety in itself is an illness!

07-12-10, 00:55
Just wanted to add, it's late, get to bed!

07-12-10, 08:28
ive gone to bed by the time you replied wolf, but thank you, i appreciate all the help.
at my college i study theatre production ect and we have a large show every night this week, and i have alot of coureswork in for wednesday, so its been a hetic and very stressful week, im exhausted half the time and am really finding it difficult to sleep.

i think what i came here to this site for is for advice from other anxiety suffers, and i feel you have both helped, i really appreciate it, especially this week.

all the best. Mork.

07-12-10, 10:09
You will need to switch off mentally before you start getting sleep.

Try getting some form of relaxation CD to help you.

It won't happen overnight though and you have to persevere, but it will start to work in the end.

One step at a time Mork.


07-12-10, 10:20
lots of cuddles :bighug1:x

paula lynne
07-12-10, 10:54
A belated welcome to you Mork x:welcome:

07-12-10, 22:04
today has been a fairly enjiyable and relaxing day, made a new friend who seems to have opened up to me fairly quick due to similar issues, i got home about 7 and have been doing coureswork since, its fairly relaxing in an odd way, on a topic i enjoy, im drinking some herbal cola and its helping me unwhind. thanks for everyones replies :)

all the best. mork.

paula lynne
07-12-10, 22:48
Herbal cola? Where do you get that from? I had to give up my beloved coke years ago cos it gives me horrendous palpatations....x

07-12-10, 23:00
Hi Mork, I' glad to hear you're feeling more relaxed today.:)

07-12-10, 23:21
The cola is called RAW i think its made by the people who make Pepsi, its essentially cola made form natural ingredients and herbs, barley any energy or caffeiene

10-06-11, 23:10
Hey, its Mork once again. 6 months on and i thought i should update. my councelling is over now, i personally chose to leave it as i feel i no longer need it. i no longer fear every day of my life, infact its a very rare occurence theses days, ive just finished my 2nd year of uni and said goodbye to alot of close and brilliant friends today which brought back memeories of some stress in my past. i havent slept well recently due to exams and stuff but i genuinly feel like a new person, most of my anxiety's have cleaared and now head contatc only worries me for 48 hours max as oppossed to 6 months ago when i would worry for weeks.

Chemical stuff is still a slight problem but im over coming that to. Ive even mustered up the courage to book a flight to Canada to vist my best fried, a trip i have previously delayed due to my fear of dying on the flight.

all the help ive recieve from this website has been a huge help and for that i thank everyone.

all the best The NEW Mork999