View Full Version : morning anxiety is the worse!

07-12-10, 02:26
I hate going to bed because i can barely face the endless horrific anxiety when i wake up! It is absolutely the worst time of the day for me and have no idea why or how to prevent it. I have to take 1/2 lorazapam just to keep moving and get to work. Anyone else face these brutal mornings?

07-12-10, 03:27
This is something I have really struggled with as well. I'm not going to say this helps all the time, but some tricks that help:

*I listen to books on CD in the car during my commute and it is easier to get moving some mornings knowing I have my "book" to look forward to.
*Good shower gel/shampoo to make me look forward to my baths
*Lunch plans or morning coffee break plans with a friend

Basically, I need to give myself something to look forward to! I don't know if you take fish oil supplements at all but I have found that some fish oil and magnesium before bed also seem to help alleviate the morning anxiety. I still have it and some days it is awful, but it is getting better!

07-12-10, 07:44
I also wake up with overwhelming feelings of anxiety .... I have to get up straightaway and then I come on here and play a few games and wait for the feelings to subside a bit. It's horrid, I agree. Oh to wake up calm and relaxed and to be able to stay in bed! x

07-12-10, 10:14
i too find mornings hard, i ve never been a morning person... i go cycling to work, its my way of looking forward ! sports really helps with anxiety...at least its helping with me...there are bad days, like today for example...i was really anxious to the point of crying...but one must look forward...NEVER GIVE UP:blush:

mr badger
07-12-10, 17:05
Me too. Currently 2mg Valium and up and at em seems to work best. Did have a bit of sneaky extra sleep this morning though - lovely. Waking every morning at exactly 5.15.

07-12-10, 18:19
I find I don't want to get up and face the day but the longer I lie in bed, the worse I feel..... this time of year (I work as a gardener), work is a bit quieter and I find theres no routine or need to get out of bed in a hurry and this tends to be my downfall!! Oh to be able to lie in bed relaxed and warm!!

STE 77
08-12-10, 17:30
Going to bed is definately the worst time for me too. I wake up throught the night with big jolts or when I wake up in the morning the anxiety is horrendous for about an hour to 2 hours. Funny thing is, I only started experiencing this since I took 1 Peroxetine tablet in September...yes, 1!!!

Ive been suffering with high anxiety for years (off and on) and NEVER felt this before I took that damn tablet. I honestly believe all these anti-depressants etc make you feel worse! :mad: