View Full Version : Anxiety about DR / DP

20-03-06, 15:18
lol it's so stupid, isn't it? I just can't help worrying about everything.

Okay... the thought got into my head...

"Supposing your brain stops saving you with DP / DR... supposing some complication occurs with this process?"

I'm basically worried that too much DR / DP will cause some harm in some shape or form. Is it natural for DR / DP to occur? Can the brain 'over dose' on too much DR / DP?

It sounds silly, but I was just wondering.

Many thanks,

- Luke

P.S Thanks again chop!
P.P.S. Someone sent me a PM but I deleted it by accident. I'd like to say thank you to the person who sent that PM... thanks! :D

20-03-06, 17:56
Hi Luke

Im sure the brain can not overdose on DR/DP, belive me if it could it would have defo happened to me by now!

Have you tried to distract yourself from your consant throughts of worry? I get this a lot and my mind goes into a state when I think im dying (suffered this all weekend) but try and break the thoughts by doing something that I need to concentrate hard on

I know from personal expereince how bad this is but every one here assured me I will come to no harm and they are right, Please remember this is a state of mind and can not hurt you

Take Care

Wendy x

20-03-06, 17:58
Many thanks, Wendy.

It's so good to get reassurance.

20-03-06, 18:53
It won't hurt you atall but it is very annoying and does take some getting over.

I had it for years and then in time it just went.


20-03-06, 19:34
Thanks, Nicola. Love the reassurance.