View Full Version : Complete spiral of panic

07-12-10, 10:37
So some of you will have read my post regarding armpit pain the other day.

I am still getting it on and off and I did the worse and went onto google. Yes I don't need anyone to tell me how stupid that was. There was a specialist on there saying that would be cardiac related in women.

I am so scared now I just don't know what to do.

It isn't pain, but more of a dull feeling and is warm sometimes. It comes up in line with my breast.

Even more worrying was that he said some cardiac causes could cause hiccups as it was near the diapragm! Oh my god I am so worried and my Dr just dismissed it yesterday without even examining me.

I was really looking for a picture of the body to see if the stomach came up so high but it doesn't look to and I can see no reason why it would be stomach related so I am petrified now. I just don't know what to do as the GP isn't interested in it.

07-12-10, 10:43
Hi there

I understand how worried you are but try and relax. This armpit pain is something that I also get. I have recently linked it to where I am in my monthly cycle but it does happen at other times too. Please stop googling, its no good whatsoever!!! Whenever I get the need to google I read the 'dr google will see you now' sticky on this page! xxxxx:)

paula lynne
07-12-10, 11:17
Hiya, if the doctor wasnt concerned, you should let that reassure you dodo. Try heat, warm hot water bottle applied to the area, Im sure it will help relax all your tensed up muscles too. Try an anti-inflammatory if you can tolerate them x

07-12-10, 11:56
I remember having a spate of this some years ago, and at the time I think I was particularly worried about something being wrong with my breast (there wasn't). In the end, I worked out that the pain was actually coming from my shoulder, and because I was holding it in an odd position, I was pushing the joint downwards and making my armpit hurt.

07-12-10, 12:04
Are you completely sure it was a specialist? Even if it was, it probably should have said could be. Think of the amount of people out there that must get armpit pain but completely dismiss it, like we used to once! That's cuz it's not a major symptom of heart failiure/disease. I can't really suggest what it is other than you're muscles, I have no idea other than that I'm afraid! But it really doesn't sound heart related to me. You've had you're heart checked hun, it's fine, more than fine! Perfect! :) Could be the way you're sleeping, the way you sit, even hormones like sarah said.

Oh, hiccups can also be caused by eating too fast, not eating, breathing too fast anything really. I get them allll the time, and if you're heart was failing I think the last thing you're body would feel the need to do is have a case of hiccups. :winks: You're ok xx

07-12-10, 12:10
Also as far as I know, if you get hiccups as a result of heart disease, they're pretty much constant.

07-12-10, 13:39
Thanks guys. Just want to stop worrying about this.

Ido have some muscle strain in the area but it isn't consistent with that as I can get it when I'm being still.

I have a lot of reflux now but again it doesn't seem consistent.

And also I am getting pain in my chin and teeth. Sometimes when my jaw is relaxed so that is wirrying me as that could be cardiac too.

I'm such a mess with all this.

07-12-10, 13:44
I panic when my jaw hurts too. Remember, if you're a jaw clencher it's gonna hurt sometimes even when it's relaxed, and strained muscles can hurt when you're still.

You tried those bubble baths that are specifically deseigned (sp? ;s) for de-stressing/helping you sleep/calming? Think Radox do some good ones, I got in a hot bath last night full of de-stressing bubbles and it was like THE best thing ever. :) You never know, half an hour of chilling out in the bath tonight might make a world of difference to your aches and pains! xx

07-12-10, 13:49
Sounds wonderful. Might try it tonight when the little one has gone to bed.

I'm just so fed up of worrying. I wish I could quiet my mind.

I'm getting really out if breath easily too. Even talking. All the symptoms don't bode well for my ha.

07-12-10, 13:50
Thanks guys. Just want to stop worrying about this.

Ido have some muscle strain in the area but it isn't consistent with that as I can get it when I'm being still.

I have a lot of reflux now but again it doesn't seem consistent.

And also I am getting pain in my chin and teeth. Sometimes when my jaw is relaxed so that is wirrying me as that could be cardiac too.

I'm such a mess with all this.

I know you are going to hate me for saying this but if you really want to stop worrying about this.......just do it. Just act like you dont care about it anymore for as long as you can and then have a rest and then start again......trust your dr....I think that like me, when you feel abandonned by your dr you start to panic and then you need to take action but there isnt any to take.......The dr has said its okay..IT IS. The only action you need to take is to work on getting over this and you can start that by stopping reacting to your voice inside that tells you to be frightened about your heart.


07-12-10, 13:51
Hmmm, just wondered. You've got a small child, do you ever pick him/her up on the side where you're armpit is hurting/uncomfertable?

Just a stab in the dark but maybe there's a connection if you do? I was playing with my mates baby and he's a BIG baby and the next day my armpit really hurt and felt all pulled and weird cuz of how I was holding him xx

07-12-10, 14:21
I can hear you I honestly can. It's easier said than done isn't it.

It's like whoever said it was like giving up smoking. The more you try to resist the more you want. I've never smoked so I have never been through that kind of withdrawal thing.

The thing that always bothers me though is how can she say for sure it's nothing if she's not examined me. It's like you've been labelled with anxiety and that is what everything is. I think if you broke your leg they would say it wax anxiety lol.

I know why she doesn't check though, to break my reassurance cycle, but I just go home and worry so she might as well just check.

07-12-10, 14:25
I think the thing to hold on to here is that you have already had lots of tests on your heart. It's really, really unlikely that anything will have been missed, and from what I've read, it's pretty unusual for spontaneous problems to develop; they come on over a long period of time and this would show up in an ECG.

07-12-10, 14:25
Oh yeah I always pick her up on that side. She's over a year old so she's not light. Bur I don't remember doing anything unusual. You usually remember if you've moved in a funny way or whatever. I was trying to put it down to my period of tensing my chest last week ad I have shoulder pain and back pain. But it's the welling feeling that isn't consistent. I can't explain it properly.

07-12-10, 14:27
I am desperately trying to hold onto that. I'm just at such s low ebb at the moment that I'm finding it difficult to get out of it.

07-12-10, 15:51
Hmm but it could also be playing a factor, babies/small children are constantly growing and getting heavier so maybe it could be a type of repetivie strain injury becuase you're muscles were so tense and ouchie anyway?

Either way I hope it clears up for you soon dodo, it's definatley not your heart :) xx