View Full Version : I can't break the cycle - I am so scared

07-12-10, 12:35
I can feel a gland in the hollow of my collarbone it is about 0.5cm in size on the right side.

I went to the drs where I saw a junior Dr who said it was fine, but has ordered a blood test for tomorrow.

I have googled - Ok I know big mistake but I was looking for some reassurance.

Well EVERYTHING says that a gland you can feel there is a sign of cancer in nearly all cases.

Some very kind people on here have been PMing me with their stories of feeling a gland in their collarbone which some still have, but I have spirralled into complete state of panic and cannot get out.
I have gone as far as booking a private GP appt for tommorrow for reassurance but i am scared I will come out feeling worse that I will be told its bad and I need tests on it.

All I want to know is if most people can feel the glands in their collarbone - it seems not many can, thats why I googled. I am so desperate I feel like running up to strangers and asking them. I NEVER worry about glands but the location of this one has sent me over the edge.

Sorry to the people who have offered me reassurance.

I just cant cope anymore - I have a disabled son and I really dont need this ontop of the struggles we already have.


I just dont know what to do

07-12-10, 12:53
Hi Mogwog

I'm afraid I can't help out with the swollen glands, as I only tend to get them when I have a horrendous infection. If the doctor you saw thought it was OK, then he has probably only ordered the blood test for reassurance. When you see the other GP tomorrow, tell him/her how frightened you are about what you've found on Google and I'm sure they'll be able to reassure you.

07-12-10, 14:51
Remember glands don't go away! They're there all the time, they just get bigger and smaller depending on what is happening in your body.

I am not being nosy at all or even making any assumptions, but do you have any help with your son? It can't be easy coping for someone with a disability and our worries can minifest themselves in so may ways. Maybe you worry about who will look after him if you weren't here? And that's why you're focusing on these 'health issues'.

I'm not belittling how you feel at all as you know I have spoken to you already and explained I had this fear a few years back. I have seen a counsellor today so I am feeling like I can solve other people's problems ;) Shame I cna't sort my own!

07-12-10, 15:22
Hi Mogwog

I could have writen your story! I felt one there, its still there, and I googled and read all the mega mega scarey stuff about malignancy in the abdomen and how it was a sure sign.

I sat for hours and hours touching this thing....i found a web page that said how you feel for them .......stuff about the dr asking you to hunch up your shoulders first...................aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh I was so scared for ages. I kept asking the dr about my node and they all just said it was nothing. I booked an appointment at a private clinic for a gp consultation and paid £75 for him to feel it and say shotty node - which apparenty means its absolutely NOTHING!

It would appear that the cervical neck nodes come down far lower than you would think and that the collar bone node the net is refferring to is not what you are feeling. When i had a scan of my thyroid two years ago....DONT ASK LOL.....i asked the consultant to feel it again and he siad it was a neck node and that it was not in the place for collar bone. Beleive me it was as far as im concerned!! but not as far as the medical world.

I now beleive them.

Dont worry hun, its not that node I promise.


paula lynne
07-12-10, 15:25
I wish you all the best at your private appointment, let us know how you get on xx

07-12-10, 16:33
Thanks for your replies

Dodo - I have my husband to help with my son and my family but other than that we are left alone mostly to deal with his problems as one of them is so rare - only 70 people in the world are known to have it :-(

Lisa - I've PMed you if thats ok.

Just wish i didnt react like this everytime i find something.

08-12-10, 13:52
Well I have just got back frm seeing private gp and she was LOVELY!! I got all upset and she calmed me down and told me all about her mother who has Health Anxeity too!

She had a feel of gland and said its fine, it doesn't concern her at all- just like my other GP. She said it probably got big because I had cellulitis in my upper arm back in July and that it may go down but its ok if it doesn't as its still only tiny.

I wish she was my regular GP - she did say that she hates the thought of me paying again to see her but if I get like this again I am most welcome too.

I feel relieved but am now worrying about my blood test results!:wacko:

I'm a nightmare:D

Thank you to all those who have reassured me and PMed me you are all very very kind.


paula lynne
08-12-10, 15:39
Good news Laura :yesyes: