View Full Version : Worrying about my bowels

07-12-10, 14:35
I was diagnosed with IBS following a clear colonoscopy two half years ago and have always had sensitive bowels - I always go quite alot like twice in the morning which are normal and easy but then i will get sheep droppings with mucus in the evening and quite regularly get days where I go to the toilet alot although the movements are normal.

About 4 weeks ago i had eaten alot of fibre for two days - on a healthy eating trip yet again and I have always seemed to have a problem if I eat alot of bread but do not have cealiac disease as have been tested for it.
The next day i went to loo 15 times throughout the day - normal movements but quite alot of mucus and awful low down ache before a bowel movement with the shivers. It took about a week to return to normal.

I panicked and rushed to GP who was very thorough - did a sample plus loads of bloods and also an fecal occult blood test and everything was completely normal.

I seem to be fine for about 8 days back to going two or three times a day but then I get one day where I will spend half the day going backwards and forward to toilet - bad low down ache and shivers before bm and need to rush to loo but nornal bms but with mucus.

I am really bad again today but past two days because I have been out all the time and busy I have lived off bread.

My Gp said I had nothing that would make her send me to consultant for another colonoscopy and if she did refer me it would be a bit of a wait as all my tests were normal.

does anyone else with ibs get these type of symptoms.

I do not want to have another colonoscopy - the prep was horrible and GP said very very unlikely to be bowel cancer having had a clear colo two years ago and not either colitis or chrons as my bloods and occults fecal were normal.

07-12-10, 16:23
Hi Countrygirl

This is exactly what my bowels are like - EXACTLY! I have had IBS for 16 years now.

I hope you are feeling reassured.


07-12-10, 17:19
Thanks mogwog you have helped alot - I have sent you a message with some questions hope you don't mind.

07-12-10, 17:29
Glad to be helpful. No problem at all.xxx