View Full Version : Ladies please...

07-12-10, 15:10
Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone can relate to this or reassure me about this...

I was on my period last week, it was very light and only lasted a couple of days (this is normal for me as they vary from month to month because of the Cerazette pill im taking)

I had the usual mild cramps, headaches etc whilst i was on, which again is normal so i just got on with it...

However, i woke up about 1am this morning with awful lower back pain and pain in my right ovary... it was horrible, like a dull, ache in both my stomach and lower back... i also had the aches in both my legs. I managed to get back to sleep after getting a hot water bottle...

But i woke up this morning with the same pains... the pain in my ovary has gone now but the lower back ache is still here and is a constant dull, uncomfortable ache...

I know that ovary pain is normal when you're ovulating but i only had my period last week.... im getting quite worried as to what it can be?!
Can this be ovulation pain?!

Iv stupidly googled and ovarian cancers and all sorts came up which didnt make it any better but im trying to stay rational about it and put it down to my period but after reading about it, it says you ovaulate 14 days after you've first bled.. so im nowhere near that stage yet?!

Im off work because of the pain being so uncomfortable but im meant to be back in tomorrow but with this pain i dont think i can face it as my anxieties are now sky high...

Can anyone relate to this?! Or know anything about this?!

Thank you x

paula lynne
07-12-10, 15:29
Hiya fairy, your pelvic girdle is connected around your back too, so these pains definately sound period related, and the dull ovary pain you describe. I get the occasional twinge in my ovaries even after my period has finished.
Wait until next month, and if it occurs again, see your gp for reassurance if its a new thing x

07-12-10, 18:20
Thank you for your reply - really appreciate it :)
Its driving me mad now... back pains/aches still there constantly, and ovaries are twinging and painful... iv had this sort of pain before mid-cycle but i just dont understand why im getting it now - but the pill that im on has made me so irregular, i never know when im due on and cant determined whether im ovulating or not so it might just be abit messed up... i just wish it would go away, i cant do anything with it.. all i wanna do is lie on the sofa with a hot water bottle.
Iv got a huge vomit phobia too so im worked up incase it makes me sick?!

Anyone else had anything like this? x

07-12-10, 18:35

I am not on the pill but have a fairly regular cycle. 2 sundays ago i had my period - only 4 days in i started with what i thought was ovulating pain - i had it a week and it reached agonising proportions - so much so i called the out of ours doctor who told me to take co codamol. the pain kept me awake for 2 nights and then subsided so i had it from day 4 to day 10 of my period although after this - it was as though my ovary was bruised because it twinged if i laid on my side etc. I also - like you - had the pain down my leg. i then started my period today on only day 17 so yes - it sounds as if your cycle is all over the place too but nothing to worry about x

09-12-10, 14:24
Thanks for your reply - I rang the docs this morning to try and get an appointment because i was up again lastnight 3 times in really bad pain...

Couldnt see the doc but spoke to her on the phone, she thinks it to do with my ovaries and im ovulating and has asked me to keep a diary of when i get my period and when the pain happens etc.

The surgery then rang me back saying the doctor has decided she wanted a urine test so i got abit worried then but iv done one and waiting to hear the results from that.

She has also asked me to do a pregnancy test first thing in the morning to cross that theory off....

All in all, i feel abit better after speaking to the doctor, dont think im pregnant because im on the pill so hopefully its something of nothing, will keep u posted xx

09-12-10, 18:03
Let us know how you get on love *hugs* xx

15-12-10, 15:21
Well my tests came back normal - not quite sure what doctor tested for but it was all normal anyway.... and came on again this morning but suggests the bad pains last week was ovulation because it was right in the middle of my very short cycle.... pain in the bum but im relieved its nothing too serious xx