View Full Version : Sick of being sick...another cold?

07-12-10, 15:55
I posted before...I had some sort of throat/bronchitis thing at the end of September. Then, another chest thing at the end of October. And now, another damn cold.

They all start in my head/sinus, move to my throat, and then my chest.

Seems I get two weeks off, then, boom. Another one.

I haven't had these many colds in a row in my life before this.

I smoke. I suck. I can't convince myself this isn't cancer (one sign of LC is recurring infections in the chest). Not to mention that with the other two, my coughing fits resulted in blood in my phlegm.

Losing my mind. Not as bad as before, thanks to the Celexa. :)

Have any of you gotten cold after cold after cold?

07-12-10, 16:00
Its strange but I always seem to get three bugs in a row over about 3-4 months and am just at point of thinking what the xx is going on here when I then won't get any for nearly a year but I certainly do seem to get them in cycles close together.

You could have a chest x ray to put your mind at rest about lung cancer and them make a huge effort to give up:winks:

paula lynne
07-12-10, 16:01
Lots of new and very resistent colds and viruses going around at the moment, all over the world....take some vits to boost your immune system, tangerines or oranges for the vit C, and cut down on the fags if you cant stop. Plenty of fluids, and paracetamol every 4 hrs if you have a temp x

07-12-10, 17:37
Can I join the constantly ill club I just seem to have had a bad run this past few months! Tonsillitis, winter vomiting bug, inflamed tummy now a damn chest infection! Hmm when will it end!

Hopefully we've had our lot this year and won't get ill next! Well that's my thinking anyway lol :)


07-12-10, 17:46
Earlier, I decided to post a rant about how I've been unwell for the past 3 months then I seen your post and it's similar to what i was going to say!
For me, it started out with burning in my chest after a night out back in September after a week of feeling terrible. Got told off doc it was an inflamed breastbone/ respiratory tract infection. Then after my daughter caught a chest infection end of oct, so did I. Now all my joints have been aching for a week, sore throat coming on and feel like crap. Flu like symptoms not sure if off cipralex or for real.
I drive myself crazy thinking about lung cancer and worry what the anxiety does to ones immune system.
Im really fighting the urge googling all my systems but know whatever the diagnosis, there'll def be a panic attack involved.

Lilboops...any advice off a doc? Or is this just a result of anxiety?

07-12-10, 17:56
I haven't had a cold in years. Look into the benefits of juicing raw veg and drinking it every day.

07-12-10, 20:57
thanks guys.

My doc says I'm just getting different viruses.

i had a chest xray about 9 or 10 months ago...all was clear. Doc told me if something developed in that short a time, he'd be really shocked. Also said the blood I was bringing up (very trace amounts) was because I was coughing so violently. /shrugs

I haven't had any blood with this one, other than out of my nose (my sinuses are always a mess, and I am actually thinking I have an ongoing sinus infection causing this).

I got a flu shot two and half weeks ago. Hoping that once the vaccine kicks in, I wont have to deal with any more of this stuff!!!

07-12-10, 22:32
I get quite a few colds.I get them all year round.Winter,Summer and it's hell.I feel rather strange when I don't have tissues hanging form my nostrils. ;)

I go to the docs constantly and its always viral infections I get.They always eem to gravitate to my throat and chest too :( xx