View Full Version : heart going fast, irregular with sore chest

07-12-10, 17:11
I've got heartburn like feelings, going hot and cold, dizzy and can feel my heart racing and going irregular like bang-bang-bang paaasue bang bang bang-bang-bang pauuse .. should I be worried, go up to A&E?

07-12-10, 17:13
Sounds like classic anxeity. Try taking some deep breaths and calming down - are you worrying about somehting at the moment?


07-12-10, 17:15
Posted same time as you, oops!!

07-12-10, 17:16
Sounds like classic anxeity. Try taking some deep breaths and calming down - are you worrying about somehting at the moment?


Yeah - I do voluntary work and am supposed to be going up there in about 30 mins but too nervous to go, finding every excuse in the world not to go :( I haven't been for three or four weeks now.

07-12-10, 17:16
Thats a good idea - hopefully this will reassure you, although I think you're ok.xxxxxxxxxx

07-12-10, 17:52
Ah well NHS24 said not to worry too much - that since I have had all these symptoms before and had an ecg too they are not too panicked, to phone my gp surgery (who were useless! ah well), and that I sound fine and not to worry :) guess I'm OK, touch wood xx