View Full Version : Feel like death

07-12-10, 17:45
I feel like I'm dying.

I feel so Ill.

I feel so weak and tired and like I cannot even move, My stomach really hurts like mad, I feel like I am going to throw up any minute, I feel really dizzy and I have really bad face pains, my stomach feels rock hard, I feel faint and like I am going to keel over, I do feel like death.

07-12-10, 17:52
What's your diet like? when I stopped eating because of my anxiety my stomach felt like a rock and I could hardly stand up without a lot of discomfort.

07-12-10, 17:56
I cant keep up with all your threads Eggy ..Did you read my reply yesterday ? I also sent you a pm .It would be nice to be acknowledged .Your symptoms are caused by Tension and IBS .aLL CAUSED BY anxiety .I see you forgot to take your antidepressants ? You will be experiencing withdrawals as well as what ive said already. I replied to your cipralex thread ... If you doubt the replies you have had go and see your Dr .No one can help you any more than they have done already .Multi threading is also confusing ,why dont you just stick to one ? I understand you dont feel well but things just dont get better in a few days or a week of doing something .It takes commitment and hard work to get better from most things . Sue

paula lynne
07-12-10, 19:34
Call someone to come over Eggy, you shouldnt be alone feeling like this

07-12-10, 19:37
Good God Eggy! No wonder you feel this way... You've been missing your antidepressant and taking a cocktail of vitamins/supplements. If you're not looking after yourself in general, this too will build up until the shit hits the fan.

You must get your finger out and take responsibility for yourself - no one will do it for you - and you won't get better till you do mate.

Going home
07-12-10, 20:07
I agree with Sue, if you've missed four days worth of anti-d's you will experience withdrawal symptoms, this is probably why you feel so much worse than usual, together with the bad cold you've had or still got which also wouldn't help. Have you ever forgotten to take them before?

Anna xx