View Full Version : No appetite/weight loss

mr badger
07-12-10, 19:08
Now, I'm not complaining but I've lost about 6kg in the last 2 weeks. No appetite and a good deal of nausea/dry mouth from the meds.

Very odd for me and I am a fatty anyhow.

Anyone else found this?

07-12-10, 19:13
Hi Mr Badger,

I've lost 18lbs due to anxiety i was really worried about my weight loss but my GP said not to worry as long as your taking plenty fluids the appetite will return. Try taking smoothies and meal replacement drinks if you can manage them.

Take care


paula lynne
07-12-10, 19:13
Hi Mr B, I unfortunately comfort eat so my problem is weight gain, although most people suffer with a weight loss due to their meds. While your appetite isnt what it should be, can I recommend Build-Up drinks, you can buy them at your local chemist. They are high calorie, full of vits and minerals, lots of flavours. One or two a day should keep you on an even keel til your appetite returns x

mr badger
07-12-10, 21:12
Thanks all.

I'm eating a bit each day. Home made veg and lentil soup and some muesli today so not too worried. It's mainly the nausea and funny taste in my mouth that put me off food so I think it's mostly the Zopiclone.

I'm the house cook as well - wife is off her food too.

Can stand to lose a few (tens) more kgs anyway.