View Full Version : How long will this last??

07-12-10, 19:43
I have been having flutters and palps in my chest for about 4 weeks now, I had an anxiety attack when it started but i havent had anything like it since, I dont feel like im anxious and im not at all stressed or worried about anything,

I have had a cold but but dont know if that would be linked.

I also get an ache in my left arm and have a few little pains in my chest..

07-12-10, 21:23
My palps/ectopics are always worse with a cold. They're completely harmless although very scary. You probably are a bit anxious, worrying about the flutters and palps along with your left arm aching and chest pains. I had constant palps for months, never a day off, but it does fade once you accept them and stop thinking about them.

I get palps and my left arm and chest ache all the time and I'm still here :) xx

07-12-10, 22:31
Thats made me feel a bit better, for today atleast im sure something else will crop up tomorrow lol...:)